
Is My-space a dying trend?

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It seems that Myspace is not as popular as it was. I know that I dont like it much anymore.

Facebook anyone?




  1. Maybe it's because there are so many scams on MySpace with identity theft and a lot of people I know are getting viruses from being on there with things that are sent through the web site.

    I'm glad it's dying down - cuz I don't have a MySpace account and why does everyone need to advertise themself anyway?


  2. Yeah I think it is dying, I don't mind though.  I'm so sick of my myspace.  I hate all the messages about buying your friends and joining mobsters and take this dumb movie quiz.  The only reason I go on there is that I've found a lot of my old friends on there and its nice to be able to be in contact with them again.  I've never done facebook or any of the other ones but I imagine they are about to be swamped with all the same problems that myspace has.  I'm ready to just go back to email already.

  3. I hate myspace n facebook.

    i rather do myyearbook or friendster. =]

  4. Facebook is only popular with school-age people (college, high school, etc), and that only because it's "safer".  Myspace is still blowing and going with people who are out of school and beyond.  

    I prefer Myspace.  There's a lot more you can do on Myspace.  Facebook is so restricted.

  5. I have never understood it and probably only once went on it.  Things are fads and fade out soon enough - this is probably just another thing that will live in the past.

  6. Facebook is lame, it sends you a note every time one of your friends takes a ****.  And all those stupid applications to delete.  Invitations to imaginary c**p, Bleagh.

    I am on there ONLY to play Wordscraper...

    It's not good for much else.

  7. all those websites are ****.  i think the people who go on there every single day need to get a job n a life.

  8. I've been there or done that.

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