
Is MySimSpace.Net the best social networking website for online games??

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Hi. I am looking for a social networking site for online games. So far, I have only been able to find MySimSpace.Net. I read that MySimSpace.Net is a very advanced website designed to improve the game-play for all online games. As I continued to explore, I found out that the website allows you to create a profile to help you connect and stay in touch with friends that play a variety of games which include The Sims Online, World of Warcraft, Second Life, Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Final Fantasy, EverQuest, ToonTown, and There.

My question is I would like to find a website better than this website. Is there a better social networking website other than MySimSpace.Net specifically designed for online games?





  1. hello

    Here at MySocNet4U you will be able to upload photos, leave comments on member profiles, write your very own blog, search for friends or make new ones, and much much more.  

    Let's get started!


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