
Is NASA a waste of money? Should it be disbanded?

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Billions of $'s are spent on NASA every year. Most of it to explore an airless void. With homelessness, lack of health care for many, prison and foster care systems that are not fit to care for a dog rampet in this country and many other problems. Shouldn't we fix the problems here before we spend money on a space program?




  1. the occupation in iraq is a waste of money

  2. There was all that you describe way before NASA....not to mention there are multitudes of programs geared to those problems as well...more some than before NASA.

  3. i think we need to spend money on a space program for research and information but most inportantly for our national defense. We need to be on the front line of any new technologies and developments so that in case its something that might affect our security since outerspace is directly over the USA. Now we might be wasting a lot of money on certain things now but that's just the nature of our government, very very inefficient in everything they do.

  4. No. I think its under funded. I think it needs to be our number one priority. GET ME OFF THIS PLANET!!!

  5. I'd rather get rid of the BILLIONS spent on Earmarks for things like a "Teapot Museum" both Dems and Repubs are guilty.

    If we get rid of NASA, our enemies will control space.

  6. NASA a waste of money? Of course not, if it wasn't for NASA we wouldn't have our handy little ketchup packages!

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