
Is NASCAR racing a good use of gasoline? Why or why not?

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I'm not taking a side on this and not saying it's good or bad - I'm just legitimately asking if it's a good use of gas or not.




  1. I think it's a great use of gasoline.  NASCAR keeps me entertained & It keeps millions of us off the roads every single Sunday afternoon.

  2. Id ride a bicycle the rest of my life and give Nascar my fuel if i had too, to keep them racing. Its worth it.

  3. I could care less wheter it is a good use of gasoline or not. I just love to watch em' drive in cirles for hours.....(but that's just my opinion!) I with armysapper87th. I would ride a bycyle for the rest of my life.


    "No, no, he didn't slam you, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you ... he rubbed you. And rubbin', son, is racin'." -- Harry Hogge

  4. With or Without NASCAR, the economy wouldn't be affected (or effected).  Percentage-wise NASCAR doesn't use that much gas.  Compared to the daily commuters, buses so on and so forth....NASCAR wouldn't even dent the economy if it stoped using gas.

  5. It is a wonderful use of gas!  Like so many others have said, it is a joy for thousands of people to watch, it provides thousands of people with jobs, it brings much needed revenue into towns that have tracks.  I think we should regulate airplanes....think of all the fuel they use!

  6. Great use! NASCAR is the only sport me and my kind support now.No more pro football,baseball..that's for them people  and dope fiends.

  7. As good of use as any other major sport.  Transporting teams, equipment, personnel.  

    As good of use as any Hollywood studio traveling all over the world to shoot scenes for movies, transporting actors, equipment, personnel.

    As good of use as TV studios traveling all over the world to shoot reality TV shows....well you get the picture by now I think.

  8. The amount of gas used for Nascar and other car races must be an extremely tiny percentage of our oil use!

    If you want to save oil, it would be far more productive to get some inexpensive and convienient mass transit set up in the major cities to cut down on the millions and millions of people commuting (1 person per car) every day.

  9. I would say it is. Nascar on a whole uses about $500,000 in gas every year but pumps millions into almost every states economy when the series roll around. The local economies by the track are the greatest beneficiaries.

  10. Other than for emergency vehicles (ambulances, fire trucks and the like) it is the BEST use of gasoline that I can think of.  

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  11. Yes it is, because America LOVES NASCAR. What would America be like with out NASCAR?

  12. Guess how many jobs it creates and the things it does for the economy for every town they pass through. Building of hotels, restaurants, memorabilia shops, the speeding tickets etc the state brings in from motorists, improved sales of sponsors goods and services, the increased sales taxes for each state, etc....

    Weigh the benefits and you explain to us why it's bad?

    The building of tracks, the  temporary housing for the construction it takes to build all of these things, additional gas stations in nearby areas for fans coming to and leaving NASCAR events, money generated for charitable organizations to help kids in needs, families in need, the Red Cross, Fire victims in California......

    I'm sure the list can go on and on and on and on......

  13. First off, gasoline used in racing is a different octane, 99 octane, to be exact.  So it's a good use for that octane grade of fuel.  Most vehicles are 89, 91, 92 grade octane.

  14. Gas used in racing makes more sense than thousands of Gallons wasted every day by lazy idiots going around in circles at Mc Donalds  AAlso everyone knows Toyota's get good mileage

  15. NASCAR racing is the best use of gasoline. The general public should drive cars that run on an alternative fuel. If people weren't so intellectually lazy, someone would figure that out.

  16. Yes it is a good use of gasoline.

    What else are you gonna run those race cars on, farts?

    Oh, wait...different kind of gas....

  17. this has been asked countless a search on answers and you will get more answers than you can read

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