I remember back in 2004 or 2005 watching Obama on Meet the Press. Every time that he was on, Tim Russert would badger him, asking the same question, "Will you promise the voters of Illinois that you will serve your entire six year term and will not use the Senate seat as a stepping stone to the white house." Finally, on one Sunday, he finally gave up and said "Yes, I promise to serve my entire six year term." I remember thinking that Tim Russert would be sure to save that video to use later, if Barack decided to run.
But when the Democrat debates happened, Tim did not ask Barack if he had broken his promise to the people of Illinois. Is he saving the footage for the real debates?
Now, here is the funny part. Everytime that I try to find this footage, I get accused of "smearing" Barack Obama and that I am making this up.
So, does anyone know where I can find this footage. I have tried to find the transcripts of Meet the Press from back then, but they are missing on NBCs website,