
Is NYU a safe place to go to school?

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My parents are giving me their infiniti so i can drive back home to visit them, and to make my life in New york simpler. However, is it a safe place to go to school? will my expensive car be in danger?




  1. NYU is not in the middle of the city, it is in Greenwich Village, an artsy neighborhood known for its diversity, culture, and yes, safety. As a matter of fact, not only is NYC the most populated city in the U.S., it's also the safest big city, much more so than Miami, L.A., Atlanta, Philly, DC, Chicago, San Diego, anywhere with people really.

    And no, your Infiniti will not be in any more danger than anyplace else. Most people in New York really don't use or even have cars, because they don't need them, they're expensive to maintain in the city, and you can never find good paces to park, which kinda defeats the whole purpose. As soon as you get there, you'll see that the subway, a taxi, or even walking are faster ways of getting where you need to go. You won't need the car unless you're going home to visit.

    And, not trying to sound s****., nor I'm sure were you, but an Infiniti is a piece of c**p, it's nothing, compared to what other people in the city drive. Do not forget that New York is the most concentrated center of wealth in the country. If a thief wanted to steal a car, they will take somebody's Lamborghini, or Bentley, or jack a CEO's Rolls Royce, not some college kid's car. So relax.

    Seriously, why steal an inexpensive car in the midst of a city full of expensive exotics and luxury cars?

  2. Well, you dontt need a car in New York City. There are a lot of taxis and public transit available. Plus, the traffic isnt that great, so your better off walking or catching the bus. I think your car will be fine in the surrounding areas of NYU, but like in all cities, you shouldn't leave expensive stuff visible in your car and park in well lit areas (preferably secured garages) NYU is located in a safer part of NYC (i think its near the financial district)

    But dont get stupid about safety...its still a city and you should still be aware of your surroundings.  

  3. NYU is right in the middle of the downtown. There is no need to have a car there. If you do it will make your life more complicated, not simpler. And to take care of the car will cost you a fortune.... check out some of the garage rental costs in the area - you could afford to buy a house in most places for what parking will cost you.

    NYU is in the heart of the city. It is a great place to go to school if you really want a totally urban experience. If being in the city makes you nervous, then NYU is a really bad place for you to be.... should have gone to Swarthmore, Williams, Middlebury or some school like that, instead.  

  4. Having a car in NY makes your life infinitely more complicated, if only because of parking. Also, driving through the city is going to be tough for the inexperienced. Depending on where your family lives, it would make more sense to take a cab or a train home.

    NYU is relatively safe. It is in Greenwich Village, which is an expensive neighborhood, so I imagine it's not a hellhole of crime. However, of course you need to be safe; stay in groups, at least until you get used to the area, and keep an eye on your expensive belongings.

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