
Is Nancy Pelosi jealous of Sarah Palins approval rating?

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Pelosi 14%

Palin over 80%... often over 90%




  1. Yes.  But not to fear, Pelosi's approval ratings in places like Tehran and Moscow dwarf Palin's!


  2. Pelosi is apart of the congress. People hate the congress because they have not impeached Bush.

  3. Why would anyone be jealous of an approval rating that was made up by a writer over-night?

  4. She should be.  Palin did more for her people in the short time she has been running her state than Pelosi has done for the nation in the time she has been in charge of Congress.

  5. Probably jealous of the way she looks too. Probably jealous that she fights corruption and can think independently instead of spewing the party's mantra over and over.  

  6. Pelosi is in a "safe" district, full of wackos.

  7. I don't think so. Why should she?  Palin only got nominated, she & McCain haven't won the election  yet & it's far from over & doubt they get the majority of the female vote from the Hillary supporters

  8. I don't think it really matters if she is or is not. My family, or most, have been democrats for years. With the world being in the mess that it is, and started back in the Clinton white house I found out and hate to admit, I am only interested in who will do the best job to get things done and fix things. Palins is the most honest, hard working person with a great record to get things done, to be honest, even going against the oil companies while a chair on the board, fought them and won! She has experience like McCain, unlike Obama who has none, can work across party lines unlike Obama who cant and stays in the party. How would he ever get things done if he cant work or is respected by all parties? Answer: He can't and so nothing will get done. He wants to place even higher taxes on businesses which will take away even more American jobs by making businesses go overseas even more due to high tax costs in the US. This will raise the cost of living in the US up even higher! He wont even look at drilling, if done safely and with a good overseeing program, which will keep energy costs high. McCain is for alternative fuels and programs and so is Palin who is already been working on that in Alaska, and drill for oil in America while working on alternative fules. Obama would make the economy even worse. McCain has gone up against Bush policy out in the open so Obama knowing this is just trying to lead us away from the truth. When Obama lied about his not knowing??? that his church and preacher were preaching anti white and anti american preaching for the past 12 years, I knew then, he was a liar. How could anyone not know that when they were there? If I went to a church, the first time I heard the preacher open his mouth and put down the African American population, or Asian, or any, I would have walked right out of there! No church should preach hate. Nancy Pelosi is so unimportant at this point that who cares?

  9. I believe that she probably is

  10. She should be, it's proof that  Republican women can do the job better than Democratic women...  :)

  11. Where are you getting these numbers regarding Pelosi's approval rating?  Pelosi easily won the primary in her district and will be reelected in a landslide.  

  12. Watch out Dems the boogie man is coming to get ya !

  13. So you are comparing national ratings to a state rating with a little under 700,000 people, are you? Is that comparing apples to apples?

    I'm disappointed in Pelosi, but get real.

    Sign me a Free Alaskan Spirit

  14. yea

  15. That is because Pelosi likes to talk about change, but never act on it.

    Palin doesn't just talk about change, she is a person of action who brings about change.

    Obama is the same way. He talks about change and yet he never worked to bring about change as a Senator. He followed the status quo and party line.

  16. She sure should be.

    The divisiveness that Pelosi and Hillary bring to the table is sad, sickening, and it hurts the Dems.

  17. It looks like it!

  18. LOL.  I am sure that is not the only thing.

    Nancy Pelosi is a shriveled up old liberal with an offensive personality.

  19. Under Palin's watch Alaska is showing the worst job growth in over 12 years.  Crime rate is up.  Poverty is up.  They only reason they like her is because she gave everyone a 1200 gas check.  I don't think Pelosi is interested in buying approval,  she interested in telling the truth. Americans don't want to hear the truth.

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