
Is Nasua the most popular types of golf wagers?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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There are many ways of placing bets on golf matches. I want to know, is Nasua the most popular types of golf wagers. Please explain.




  1. One of them most popular types of golf wagers is called the Nassau. The Nassau is basically three tournaments, which also can be called bets, in one: the front nine, back nine and 18-hole scores. These all count as separate tournaments or bets. Nines is a term that is commonly used to describe the holes of a golf course, which are nine or eighteen in total.

    In a Nassau tournament, the player or team that is winning the front nine wins a prize. The player or team that is winning the back nine gets a prize, and the player or team with the low 18-hole total also wins a prize. So in this type of bet people are wagering which individual player or team will do the best in which group of holes. This is because it is really anybody’s game, and someone who may be ahead on one hole can fall back on the next hole, and this can repeat itself several times during the course of one golf game.

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