
Is Nathan Hindmarsh the biggest thug in League?

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has he ever played a game where he has not king hit anybody

the late shoulder on Gasnier when he was already on the ground was just what i expect from this bloke, did anybody watch the game and what did you think of the cheap shot




  1. What he did last night could have broken someones neck, I am amazed there was no penalty.

  2. He may be a thug but he can't hold a candle to Michael Crocker. And how about Carl Webb. I think Justin Hodges is just a dirty grub with his on field antics. And there are many more out there as well. Go back in time and you will see there have been plenty. Guys like Les Davidson who had to decide whether he wanted to be a pro footballer or a pro boxer (one of my favourite thugs), Sam Backoe who seems to not realise he has stopped playing football and still behaves like he is on the paddock. Maybe the most infamous of all was Les Boyd. Anybody remember that hit on Darrel Broman?

  3. your a clown can hate parra all you like that doesnt bother me but calling hindy a thug is crossing the line. hindy is 1 of the best & fairest players out there. the hit on gaz was nothing,it wasnt a swinging arm it was a shoulder charge that gaz was falling in2. jason ryles is the thug, ive seen him dog hit luke burt & p.j marsh a couple of yrs ago. how many times has he been suspended compared 2 hindmarsh. you make me laugh.

  4. Hmmm, he might be in the running, gut if he were truly only a low thug, wouldn't he be pulling on a bulldogs jersey?

  5. No he's not.

    I'm a bulldogs fan and I'd be happy for him to come on put on a doggies jumper.

    Hodge's could come to he's good.

    As for poor cry baby Gasnier I really don't care, I hate the dragons and anyone who plays for them, losers!

  6. i agree,but he still gets away with it,maybe it has something to do with the fact that he is the blue eyed boy of the kangaroo selectors,

  7. no, the biggest thug is ben ross, the biggest moron is justin hodges and the biggest wimp is the seagulls team

  8. biggest thug?

    haha - my pick is David Kidwell, actually -  and  second by Carl Webb

    (I know lots of you won't agree - but hey! that's my opinion and everyone has the right to my opinion, haha)

  9. I missed that one..being a dragons supporter I would of been p*issed off,although I have always liked Hindmarsh,,dont know why,,just like his style,,no I'm not g*y!!

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