
Is New Jersey and Nevada really the only states that allow casino's that are not indian?

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If not then what other states are they alowed in? I'm not sure but I think miami allows them too. I know the vast majority of the states and cities don't, which makes me wonder why north america is so against gambling. I mean it's not like playing the stock market and horse race betting is any better. Well I'm not a gambler but I still like casino's because they give a degree of atmosphere and excitement like nothing else can.




  1. Simply put, No, there are a few other states that have casinos.

    Some that come to mind are:

    California, Florida, Indiana, and recently pensylvania.

  2. It is amazing that in a country that bills itself as being a model of freedom and democracy that gambling is not more readily available.

    Apparently the powers that be are okay with pushing lottery tickets in 48 states, yet are reluctant to allow people to gamble in other ways.  Well that makes no sense.  That's like having a bar but telling people they can only drink vodka while there, and banning all other alcoholic drinks.

    What's really weird is how inconsistent it is.  In Virginia you can be 18 and go into an off track horse betting place and bet horses, even though they serve alcohol.  In most states you can bet on the stock market at 18.  The anti-gambling legislation that the Bush administration put through in 2006 actually made it easier for horse betting companies to offer online horse betting.

    There are some states where casinos can exist, but they must be on a fake boat.  Some states it just has to float, others it must be a real boat.  Some states can have Indian casinos, but ban cards, dice, and 'wheels of chance.'  Meaning that the slots have to be video.  Roulette, Craps and Blackjack have to be done using fake video cards.

    Fact is, if we are going to pretend to be a free society, then companies should have the right to open casinos.  If people like them, they will make enough money to stay in business.  If people don't like them, then no one will go and they will go out of business.

  3. I couldn't list them all, but Indiana has riverboats that are not run by Native Americans, and I'm pretty sure the casinos in Detroit are not Indian casinos either.

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