
Is New Zealand Going To Win The Rugby World Cup This Year?

by  |  earlier

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the best rugby team in the world! will they win? if not, who will?




  1. No, the Springboks will win.

  2. We will have to wait and see. They stand a good chance though, but I've seen some of the other teams and thy also look competitive.

  3. between france and aus. we will choke again.

  4. Yes!!  Go the All Blacks!!

  5. current form shows that it will be the all blacks. the depth is ridiculous at the moment. I'm curious to see how they do considering they haven't played an international since the Tri-Nations. I figure it will be a New Zealand-France final.

  6. No worries ,mate. she's done and dusted far as I am concerned.(and a sly bet on the warriors as well )(don't give your money to Andrew Johns though , He'll just blow it on

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