
Is New Zealand the most beautiful country in the world?

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Anyone who has traveled been there?Do you agree with me? or what do you think otherwise?




  1. Yes New Zealand is amazing! its has a bit of everything, lush green forests, active thermal areas, golden sand beaches, snow capped mountains, waterfalls, dolphins, seals, penguins a number of amazing endemic bird species. Its just wonderful and yes I live in NZ (have lived in both North and South island) so a bit biased but I've traveled the world also and New Zealand is most definetly home for me

  2. Yes NZ is cool but there are many other places like tibet, Japan, Iceland,  Scandanavia, Australia, Canada or Alaska.

  3. Absolutely agree!!! especially for those who love the nature. But it would turn into a boring place for people who cant stand, quietness for a long time. Auckland is the only crowded alive city in NZ.

  4. You are close, but the name you are after is Australia.

  5. Only if you haven't been to the Netherlands.

  6. It is certainly beautiful, but the Chinese countryside is also very beautiful.

  7. not personally but have seen many films about it and snap shots. And in my opinion yes it is. It's no wonder that alot of filmmakers like to shoot in New Zealand

  8. YES!!!! i live there! (north island is better than south in my opinion)

  9. Yes its up there, that's fer sure, California used to be. Before so many people moved there

  10. I agree with you 100%.  I have been there once and hope to get back soon!!!

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