
Is New Zeland totally different than Austraila?

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The BEUTIFUL people there seem to have the same accents? I hope I'm not sounding dumb? I just don't know. I'm from Dallas, Texas USA




  1. Its like the us and canada

  2. ya and they hate each other... but they sound very close to the same... i work with a gentelman from new zealand ... he is our best mazda salesman

  3. The quickest way to find all the New Zealanders in a room is to say, "I'm so glad to see all the Australians here today."

    It's a totally different country that doesn't care to be lumped in with its larger neighbor. Sort of like Canadians. :-)

  4. Yes they are two very different countries, from the size, shape, climate and of course the wildlife! many aspects of our culture are different too, the indigenous people of New Zealand were Maoris, the indigenous people of Australia were aboroginies.

    You don't sound dumb, in fact its great that you're taking the time to ask! unfortunatly alot of people (particularly Americans) seem to think New Zealand is actually part of Australia.

    We are two great countries, but New Zealand will always be home for me :-)

  5. Geographically they are very different. Australia is large, hot dry, and semi-arid to arid, not to mention huge. New Zealand is a lot smaller, mostly lush green, and in the North tropical. The weather in New Zealand is also a lot cooler and wetter than Australia.

    However, I think that New Zealanders and Australians are more similar to eachother in personaility than they like to let on. They have a very similar culture and out-look on life. Also, sport is a big interest in both cultures.

  6. From the outside people say we are the same, but that is just like a family thing; as Australians and New Zealanders ("Kiwis") we can see differences.

    Our brotherly link is a love/hate relationship based on the outcome of the Rugby =P

  7. yes very

  8. Totally.

  9. Its different , but I don't know exactly, U can use to get the details of both the COuntry MEn NAtures.

  10. It is another place it is a huge island and another country.  Yes completely different.

  11. fo shizzle.


    they are ALL gorgeous.

  12. The only real difference between aust and nz is that most of the kiwis live in aust... :)

  13. Lol.

  14. Yes, NZ is way different.  Its like Australians are more like heath ledger and mel gibson, while Kiwis are more like the conchords.

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