
Is Newcastle, Australia a nice city to live?

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I'm a 24 y.o girl considering on going to Newcastle University on September...studying for MBA..I have several concerns, afraid to make a wrong choice :

1. Is Newcastle too quiet? I want a city which is not to big but not small...

2. Does the university have a great reputation?

3. What about the racism?I am from Indonesia. I hear that Australian are racist toward Indonesian people. Is that true?

4. Is public transportation used more than cars?is it important for me to have a car there?

5. Should I get an apartment or get an on-campus accommodation?

Please help me.... ^^




  1. 1. If you're looking for a fun busy time out then Newcastle wouldn't be too much of a good choice it can be a little bit dull at times, though you can hang out at the beaches if you are into that, it's relaxing.

    2. It is an average university no good/bad reputation.

    3.  There is bound to be racism anywhere in the world, but my friend is asian he attends Newcastle for Phamarcy and he gets along well, don't know about females, but there are definitely asian females who live up there and seem to get along well, and also the way of fun in Newcastle may be different to your type of fun so it could be misinterpreted as racism but unless you experience it first hand, don't worry too much about that.

    4. It is most preferable to have a car, though public transport is available but having your own car would be at your convenience.

    5.  Either is good, as long as it's not too expensive and close to university or wherever convenient for you, you can even get room mates to split the rent.

  2. If I were you i would try Macquarie University in Sydney instead. They have the best Business Management School in the country and plenty of associated Colleges throughout Sydney.

    Sydney would be far better for anyone of Asian appearance, most Business and quite a few MBA Students are Asian (mostly Chinese), my gf is Asian and i often encounter very subtle forms of racsism when we're out in a Regional area, Country areas up and down the Coast are far worst than big Cities like Sydney.

  3. 1. No. Its a real city and there is plenty of it.

    2. Yes. My sister goes there and I want to go there.

    3. Australians are usually racist toward their own kind. I wouldn't worry about it. But we can very racist sometimes to people who don't speak english or have strong accents, but with us its just a laugh and you shouldn't worry.

    4. You can have a car there, but public transport is fine. There might be some distance to cover so having a car might be better in the long run.

    5. Renting a small unit or flat is the best option. It depends what your budget is.

  4. 1. Newcastle is a regional city, definitly not too quiet.

    2. Not sure about the reputation, it doesnt have a bad reputation.

    3. Australians are not overly racist, it make take a while to adjust to our sense of humour though.

    4. You can manage with public transport but it does restrict you, if and when you can afford, then get a car.

    5. Share accomodation is best, on-campus is alright too but don't get an apartment on your own.

    Another town with a highly ranked university is Wollongong, its much like Newcastle but may suit you better.

  5. 1. if you're coming from a place like Indonesia, then, yes, Newcastle is pretty quiet; but it's neither too big and nor too small.

    2. no, the university there does not have a great reputation, but it doesn't have a bad one either.

    3. Yes, there is racism, but of a more subtle kind, and quite different from, say, the kind in the deep south in the U.S. no aussie will admit to this, which is why no one talks about it and nothing is done about it. Australia is almost devoid of blacks (other than Aboriginees), which should tell you something; plus the fact that Australia had a "white Australia" policy into the 1960s.

    4. yes, public transportation is used quite a bit in Australian cities, including Newcastle.

    5. you can flip a coin on that one, although you're likely to find more foreign students in on-campus accommodations.

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