
Is Nexium bad over time?

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I'm 16 and I take Nexium because I have very bad stomach problems Acid Reflux, Upset Stomach, ect. I don't have any ulcers so the doctor prescribed me this the dosage is 20 mg I haven't had any problems with it yet but could it be bad over a long period of time I am supposed to take it forever.




  1. Nope, it's safe even at 4 times the dose (for adults) over years.

  2. Sadly, you're part of an indirect long-term experiment, the long-term effects of this medication have not yet been determined.  I can tell you that it is a proton pump inhibitor which blocks the release of HCl in your stomach.  Please note that HCl and a chemical called intrinsic factor are released at the same time.  Intrinsic factor is responsible for your body's absorption of vitamin B-12 in your distal ilium.  If HCl concentrations are blocked so is intrinsic factor and you may not be absorbing enough B-12 over time.  Though the jury is still out on this one.  

    I too was prescribed Nexium for acid reflux though I took initiative and reclaimed my health.  I found my problem to be completely diet related by keeping a 7 day food diary cataloging all the foods I ate and the subsequent symptoms I experienced.  After the 7 days I was able to narrow down the possible causative agents.  Eventually I found that it was cow's milk and its derivitives that were causing my symptoms.  Once I quit milk my symptoms completely vanished within 3 weeks.  I sure wish my GI doc would have been smart enough to figure this out for me instead of just prescribing me Nexium.  

    As a side note I took nexium for 2 years before I decided to take action.  One day I asked myself the same question you have posted.  I wondered, will I have to be on this the rest of my life?  I'm so glad I have reclaimed my health, and you can too.

  3. I don't think there is any long term side effects.  I have never taken it but I do take Prilosec everyday and have for years.  The only side effect I get from it is bloating.

    You could ask your doctor about it but I think he would switch you to something else if there were long term effects.

    The side effects can't be as bad as the it's awful!

  4. I dont think so... If the doc gave it to you, there shouldn't be any problems...


    Good luck!

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