
Is Nickelodeon spreading propoganda?

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I believe that either purposefully or otherwise Nickelodeon is spreading obvious propaganda.




  1. Hmmmmmmmmm

    The guy who was voted to play soccer looked like a certain black man.......

  2. um i gues. i hope they aren't cuz thts not good.

  3. they are just explaining how democracy works. This is nut bad unless you are like a communist or something.

  4. I totally think kids channels like nickelodeon and disney are spreading propaganda. I think teaching kids about politics should be left to the schools.  

  5. Yes and No...

    If they wanted to be completely correct, they would have to inform the kids that we don't actually live in a PURE Democracy... but that would involve explaining the electoral college to them and that would be really difficult because most adults don't even get that.

  6. This is no worse than an American history textbook.  

  7. It appears so.  Propaganda isn't necessarily negative.  I can understand wanting to instill pride in one's country, but I don't think they went about it in the right way here.  The video looks a bit dated, and it was nearly impossible to understand the lyrics.

  8. Why did you just have me watch 2 totally unrelated videos? I could have spent this time looking at internet p**n. Thanks a lot.

  9. Your URL "contained a malformed ID," so instead of actually watching the video I'll just make a blind guess and say YES! Nickelodeon's evil plan is to spread propaganda! It was all a lie, all those hours of Spongebob and Jimmy Neutron! How could we have been so BLIND!?

  10. Well of course they are.  They want you to buy their stuff and not the competition's stuff.

    BTW nice malformed YouTube ID.

  11. I believe just about ALL television is spreading some sort of propaganda.

    And yeah, I think the link is technically a form of propaganda, but I don't think that there's any entity behind it trying to brainwash children. I mean, it would be really cool if nobody told us what to read, think, or say, as the video claims we have in a democracy, but that's the idea and that's all it will ever be if things keep going this way.

    So, to clarify, I don't think it's bad propaganda... I think whoever made it was genuinely trying to be positive. I don't see government conspiracy written all over it. I think whoever made it might have a few screws loose, but hey, some country hick wrote a song about 9/11 and made a few million bucks, so that kind of stuff is par for the course these days.

    Now, if it were Britney Spears telling kids they should always support the President no matter what, then we have an example of bad, uninformed propaganda.

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