
Is No-Tax Day good or bad for yard sales?

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I was going to have a garage sale this weekend but it is No-Tax Day. Is it good or bad, because there will be more people out to see the signs, but maybe they'd be to busy??? HELP!!




  1. its good i think cuz ppl r gonna b out shopping regaurdless...but not me them fools on tax weekend are crazii!

  2. I would still do the garage sale because you are always going to have your garage sale enthusiasts, but you might get more because everybody is saving money from no tax day.  When people feel like they are getting a bargain, they typically buy more.

  3. i would think it's not a good day, if you want to get rid of your stuff, ppl will be in store, why buy old stuff when you can have new?? right?

  4. I say go ahead and have it.. for one, more people will be out on the roads to see your signs.. and tow.. might also mean there will be less people having yard sales.. which means more people to stop at yours.  

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