
Is North Melbourne are to be known as North Melbourne and not The Kangaroo's this season.?

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Before anyone jumps down my throat, I know The Kangaroo's are North Melbourne, but are the media and TV commentator's going call them North Melbourne.




  1. Big Kev, if I read on the Herald Sun correctly in the off season, James Brayshaw wanted to go North Melbourne in December. It was too late to order and design new club paperwork, etc. All but stationary will go back to North Melbourne as far as I remember.

    I have always referred to them as North all this time, even heard Rex do it on the radio here in Kansas during the finals last year.

  2. Yes, I think so.

    I noticed last week during the game against Bulldogs the little score thiing said NM compared to KAN I think it was last year so yes.

  3. They call Footscray the BullDogs and North Melbourne the Kangaroos. I think you'll find the more the season progresses that's what will happen.

    As for me it's North Melbourne and Footscray

  4. mate on foxtel they actually have NM on the TV score screen some call them North some Nth Melb some Kangaroos

    no wonder they cant make any new fans they change there name more than there jumper design

  5. I think it still is going to remain as the Kangas.

  6. They're currently known as the Kangaroos because their location policy is hopping all over the place.

    They could be known as the North/Canberra/Sydney/Gold Coast/Seymour Hoppers.  And I agree ... why don't they have any fans?  Well everyone in all those places is p*ssed off with them in some way.  I was starting to go along to their games here for example ... they cost the ACT govt millions setting up the stadium for them.  OH well off to watch the Saints play the mighty Catters at that very stadium.

  7. they have gone back to North Melbourne, i think its a good thing

  8. it will be north melbourne.....they want to keep the cash strapped club in melbourne for as long as they can until someday soon, they will have to fold and either pull out or move to the gold coast.

    that may not happen...miricles do happen and the North Melbourne footy club is hoping for premiership in the next 3 seasons is vital to stay afloat.

    it will be known as north melbounre, but for how long??  3 years or another few decades?

  9. as Broooce( now how many O's were there???) said .. they were ALWAYS NORTH TO ME ....

    I hope the commentators call them North ...

  10. Probably North Melbourne.

    But for how long, remains to be seen.

    Their decision to reject the move to the Gold Coast may see the possibility of them folding within a few years

  11. They should have been called the "Gold Coast Kangaroos" if they had any sense.  They don't seem to have enough support in Melb.

  12. Unlike the real Kangaroo, this particular blue and white Roo will soon be extinct.

  13. well kev i really think  that they ae trying to change their image and resort back to being called n.melb as for the rumours going to gold coast i think they will stay in melbourne!

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