
Is OBAMA an iranian?

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i guess he is i cant accept him the CLINTON was better than him wut ur answer?




  1. um...dumba**?

  2. If you really want to know the truth then you need to take a little time and do some very simple research, he has a site on the net that gives a full outline of his personal history and his family, he is not of middle east descent, he is American, his mom was Caucasian and his dad was a black man from Africa, they met in college,  if he had any terrorist back ground or family history of such he would not have been able to clear security to run for the Presidency, I was also for Hilliary but the truth in and for anyone is important.

  3. dude give me my pot back now

  4. Senator Obama is a citizen of the United States.

  5. i'm pretty sure he is AMERICAN

  6. His father's from Kenya.

  7. his dad was muslim, mom christian, he was raised as a christian though after his parents divorced. but I guess it should'nt matter as long as he is an American.

  8. Probably

  9. why, does he look Iranian to you?

  10. w/e man. Cheney is an Iranian spy. How can things be going so well for the enemy?

  11. is that the best you can come up with?

    pretty lame

  12. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...  his dad was a muslim though but not iranian
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