
Is OBSESSION about something one of the STEPS on the trail of ACHEIVING it?

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  1. You can achieve anything that's really you. Just don't get distracted!

  2. No, obsession is an illusion.

    It's wishful thinking.

    It's false hope.

    It's blind faith.

    Acheiving something is not a result of obsession. Acheiving something is a result of will power.

    Obsession is doing everything in one's power to acheive something. Will power is also doing everything in one's power to acheive something. There is a difference, however.

    Obsession stems from selfishness. One isolates himself from the world out of his obsession to acheive his goal. One is willing to give up his soul. One only has one goal and that is to be the ONE who will acheive his goal. One who takes the path of obsession destroys himself and will never lead to acheivement.

    Will power, on the other hand, stems from challenges. One challenges the world. One is battered by one's own experiences but will never give up because his goal is to beat the world and all the times that world told him that he can't acheive his goal.

  3. no

    attraction is enough...but obsession is unhealthy most of the time.



  4. If your obsessed about something that you can achieve. But even still, just because your obsessed about it doesn't mean you will achieve it. I think maybe you should be more passionate about something you want to achieve than obsessed. But then again if your obsessed about getting your legs to look like Kate Bosworth (for example)..maybe you will achieve that obsession. But you could be obsessed about something without doing anything to achieve it. Like obsessed with the idea of that happening to you, or you achieving something that your actually not working towards. If that makes any sense. So i think it's kind of 50/50 for me.

  5. Sure, it can be.  But why not opt for FOCUS instead?  Focus has a much more positive connotation.

    You will need to take other steps.

  6. Obsession is a wonderful thing, when used for the right purpose. All human feelings, especially the strong ones, were created within us for a reason. I believe that each one of us is born with our own distinct purpose of achievement.

    We often struggle in finding out what that purpose is, and we sometimes travel long, curvy, dangerous, and painful roads to discover that special purpose for being, and in the meantime, we often use those special powers, such as obsession, passion, impulsively, and creativity, for the wrong things, which never quite feels right, and sometimes may even be painful and harmful.

    When we do finally find that special purpose, that our soul was meant to achieve in this material world, and you will instinctively know, then all these powerful feelings and behaviors, including obsession, passion, fanaticism and even hyperactivity, shall be used to masterfully achieve that special purpose.

    In summary, the feeling and act, are not bad in itself, rather where we unleash it, is the test of all time. Keep in mind, that just because you didn't yet find the appropriate place to use them, doesn't mean that the feeling a bad one, instead they are amazing tools for a real successful life.

  7. Not really.  Often times the harder you try to achieve something, the further it slips away from you.

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