
Is ON Creatine Glutamine Taurine an effective product for muscle building?

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Is ON Creatine Glutamine Taurine an effective product for muscle building?




  1. For muscle building i just use ON 100% whey, Controlled Labs Purple Wraath, and Controlled labs Green MAGnitude.  Great products.

  2. The jury is still out on the benefits of supplementing Creatine with Glutamine at the same time. Separately they work great. Creatine for Muscle Building and Glutamine for recovery.

    I use the products separately. I will use the Creatine pre workout to feed my  muscles during the workout and then again post workout to restore lost creatine when I broke down my muscle fibers.

    After 20 minutes of taking the creatine I then supplement with Glutamine so there is no competition in the uptake of either product.

  3. Yes, supplemented with a good protein powder. Creatine will help you lift more weight, making you stronger. Glutamone will induce a small about of growth hormone to help muscle recovery. Protein powder is also essential for muscle recovery. I'm not sure that Taurine will be that beneficial; most protein powders contain amino acids.

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