
Is Obama's campaign staff reading "Yahoo Answers" and writing down the screen names of people that oppose him?

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If you say bad things about Obama, wouldn't you be worried when he becomes President and he has the power to make your life a miserable h**l?




  1. Yes.

    Yahoo Answers is first on his list of priorities.

  2. No, hon, You're thinking like a Republican. It was Tricky d**k I who had an "enemies list." Perhaps you are too young to remember. Tricky d**k II (Cheney) might have one too, but everyone's too afraid of him to tell.

    The Obama staffers I have met -- okay only one-- are pleasant, personable people who are out helping to register voters. I doubt they have time for this, and I know they have no inclination to be vindictive.

  3. DUDE< OBVIOUSLY, i mean he is trying to be te president, and isnt it totaly clear, that he has the time to look at this and even if he had  wat wud he do with the names ? find them and kill em?

    tracking ppl is against the law unless the fbi accepts a good reason for doing it.

  4. This ridiculousness is the exact reason why people like you do not deserve Obama as president. But because there are people who deserves hime as our president, he will be... he should be... all hail the new king of America (haha that's funny)

  5. I hate to tell you but Pres. Cheney has been listening in for years.

    (Ignoring FISA qualifies as a "High Crime and Misdemeanor")

  6. he can try.

  7. Even they have better things to do, and they can't come around to break your kneecaps because they don't know where you live.  We have rights in case you haven't noticed.

  8. I don't know if obamas staff is reading these answers and I really don't care.Do you really think they can track My Ip?

    What are they going to do? Go to europe to find me?

    I don't run through any server in the states.Although I may be in the states.

  9. Wouldn't you assume that the intelligence of this "staff" would not allow them to establish a list. O Bamba is a charlatan and illusionist. so what kind of people flock around him?

  10. What good would it do?

    Most of the people here are not old enough to vote.

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