
Is Obama Bin Biden the best or what?

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Is Obama Bin Biden the best or what?




  1. no as a matter of fact he's not the best

  2. They will look worse and worse as the campaign season wears on.

  3. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do more reading reliable reading hard to do with the bias Liberal Media! UGH! The only thing about Obama being president, is when we are all laying in the dirt in ruins and our STRONG USA is GONE, and is no longer the USA  we know and love!!! DUE TO HIS leadership we can say I TOLD YOU SO!! But I would much rather have the STRONG USA Then an I told you so.

  4. You're going to get my PTSD kickin' in here aren't you, askin' questions like that one, sonnyboy...

  5. do you believe people have the rights to do as they like? g*y Marriage, Abortion, religious freedom? do you feel its wrong to drill for oil in Alaska? do you feel that even a little experience is better then none? Do you feel the war was a mistake?  then Obama is the choice, but if you like recking the environment and having little or no choice what you do with your lives and letting humans die for no reason. your choice is McCain  

  6. Wow. The bride of Frankenstein (Sarah Palin) says she wants Ted Stevens for her VP after Wet-Start Johnny snuffs it. So we at least know which ticket is the worst.

  7. Terrorist? Yes.

  8. No.

  9. h**l NO !!!

    MCCAIN / PALIN '08

  10. No.  That's why I'm voting McCain/Palin!

  11. better than mccain the insane

  12. Yeah, he is.  But to fall in line with your question.  Funny how Palin sounds alot like Putin.

  13. Well, he's not the best, so I guess it is or what???

  14. No I think BUSH is the best so I am voting for the way I had Brain removal surgery yesterday!

  15. No. The best is or what

  16. or what

  17. I guess that all depends on your outlook and opinions. If you want higher taxes, even more government spending on programs that discourage people from lifting themselves out of poverty, a rationed health care system (from which the Congress, Executive and Judicial branches of government would be exempt), and an exit strategy from Iraq that would present the image of a weaker America with less resolve to defeat Islamic fascists, then Obama/Biden would be your candidates of choice.

    Democrats tend to look at taxation and revenue generation as a static relationship. Higher tax rates automatically translate into more revenue for the treasury; lower taxes, therefore, result in less revenue. The "tax and spend" crowd continues to subscribe to this premise despite the fact that it has proven to be false time and time again... even by JF Kennedy's tax cutting policies of the early 1960s.

    If the USA is to survive as a viable sovereign state in the long run, we must do 4 things: 1) freeze federal spending at current levels until we achieve a balanced budget and begin to pay off the national debt, 2) achieve a decisive and complete victory in the War on Terror, 3) Pursue policies that encourage economic growth and 4) commit to energy independence in 10 years. (The third strategy is directly related to the second.)

    I see nothing in the Obama/Biden campaign that would result in any of these outcomes... only more spending, more taxation, and no real move towards energy independence. Oddly enough, their campaign sounds liike "more of the same" to a greater extent than the McCain/Palin ticket. Of course, whether or not the Amercian voters can see through the facade of "change, change, change" is an open question.

    I've included some websites below to support my position on taxes and revenue collection.

  18. Or What.  Obama Bin Clinton

  19. Or What...

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