
Is Obama Contradicting Himself?

by Guest63434  |  earlier

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Yesterday when Obama said that rebuilding America should start from the bottom up, not the top down. Since he's only been in the senate for a couple of years, given a couple of impressive speeches, and all of a sudden he's at the top. Wouldn't that go against everything he just said?




  1. Yeah, I heard him stutter when he said that. Obama without a teleprompter is great entertainment.

  2. No contradictions. empty question

  3. yes started in the senate and worked his way up.

  4. Well, if what Obama said is true, than Obama should have no role in the economy, Since The government is at the very top of everything. If rebuilding america really doet start at the bottom, how can Obama or the government for that matter be a part of it? Apparantly Obama thinks its okay for the government to rebuild america, but not business or corporations who provide millions of jobs or the food and products we use everyday.  

  5. He went from a normal guy, to harvard, to the senate, to presidential candidate.

    That IS going from the bottom up.

    How the h**l have you found a way to describe his continual success as anything other than exactly what he's described?

  6. Your logic is a stretch.....

    .... your overall statement however, remains true.    Obama is an endless list of contradictions.

  7. He will say a lot of things, and many will think they have heard the word of god. I live in the state that he is a senator in and I honestly don't remember his getting elected, and I certainly never heard of any good legislation he ever voted on. Now I see he abstains or is not present most of the time. He did nothing for southern Illinois, and I suppose he will do the same for the nation. Politicians say many things, then someone comes out to explain what he meant. We must be really stupid, not to understand plain English. Maybe we should press 1 for a translation.Contrdiction? no, clarification at 9pm on CNN.

  8. Wait, was there a moment in which he wasn't contradicting himself?

  9. He started at the he's at the top.....


  10. Of course he is.

  11. No.

    John McPOW doesn't like starting at the bottom. For 5 and a half years, he had to sit on his bottom because he was a prisoner.

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