
Is Obama Hussiens rise a phenomenon of the TIGER WOODS syndrome?

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Tiger Woods the first black golfer to reach such stardom is the darling of the white liberal jet set. White Pro golfers are relagated to amateur status when he is around and the media focus is on him win or lose and each reporter has an excuse when he wins. I am labeling this the Tiger Woods syndrome for Obama Hussien.




  1. Tiger gets the attention becuase he is the best at what he does and is far better then the next best.  He also has a cool name, is in shape, and decent looking so is perfect for the media.  Remember also that he is half Thai so it can't be just a black thing.  I don't think race has anything to do with it in Tiger's case.  In Obama's case though . . . . he's just a novelty and is a long shot in a general election.

    The poster above is insinuating in his last paragraph that America is racist.  That is absolutely ridiculous.  This person has probably never traveled outside of the U.S.  America is the least racist county in the world hands down.  Try traveling to Africa, the middle east, or even Europe and just listen to people.  That a member of an 11 % minority could even be considered for a party nomination for the White House is proof of how far America has come.

  2. I think so.  Both are dominant figures in white professions, which give them an aura of invincibility.  I think they are both very immune to criticism because their critics are mindful of being called racists, simply because they criticize a minority  in a white profession.

    Look how virtually no one in the media criticizes Tiger's etiquette and foul language.  I think the has been fined more than any other golfer for his language!  How many times have you heard that in American media?

    Look how easily Obama put the Rev. Wright racism fiasco behind him.  Simple.  If the pastor of a white candidate said those racist and hateful things about African-Americans or any other minority group, his/her candidacy would be over!

  3. I believe it has more to do with the TV series 24, and David Palmer than Tiger. :)

  4. I am unclear regarding your point.  I am not really sure what it has to do with golf.  It appears as though you are trying to address political fears that you may have.

    But it seems as though you are trying saying Tiger is a star because he is black.  The media flocks to him because he is black.  Whether he wins or loses the media still want to talk to him because he is black.  You started this question because he is black.  You are making the comparison between Tiger Woods and Senator Obama because they both are black.

    And to think that some people will insist that America is not a racist society and the only time race is an issue is when a black person plays "the race card".

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