
Is Obama / McCain prolife or prochoice?

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I wont say who I am leaning towards, nor will i say how i feel about the pro-life / pro-choice because I dont want that to influence the answers.I don't "follow' politcs to know everything but I wasn't sure about this.




  1. Palin doesn't believe in birth control. 'Nuff said

  2. McCain has flip flopped back and forth, but now he says he is pro-life.

    Obama  is pro-choice

  3. McCain is pro-life

    Obama is pro-choice up to 72 hours after birth..

  4. obama is pro choice.

    i don't keep up with mcbush.

    he's most likely pro life.  

  5. Obama is most definetllly pro-choice.

    McCain follows the Repulican guidelines - he is-of course pro  life

  6. Obama -- Pro Choice

    McCain -- Pro Life

  7. you're kidding, right? obama supports abortion AFTER the baby is born.

  8. All of us are pro life. Among all of us are some - myself included - who

    are also pro - choice.

    I am a Nurse and have seen the devastation when illegal abortions

    have been performed.


  9. you should do your research on the subject instead of asking on yahoo  

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