
Is Obama a great person with great Speeches?

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Well i think so, gimme ur answer




  1. yup!

  2. This can definately be disputed in a biased way depending on what your polotical views are. If you are very conservative you may feel that Obama is a "bad person" just for having liberal views. And vice versa if you are extrememly liberal. I, for one, believe that Obama is a good person, although I do not nesecarily agree with his views.

  3. I think he does his best and like all political candidates, he's gonna be under a great share of scrutiny from a lot of critics. That's how it goes.

  4. yea

  5. I'm sure he is a good person, with great accomplishments. But his speeches are written for him for the most part. So you could say he has great speech writers!


    the/  presidents/canidants that are running/already been president. do not write the speeches people write them for them..........

    so don't think that wat u hear(wat they say) is true they basiclly just say that so they can be president.

    SO DON'T BE STUPI*D!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. He is a Marxist who speaks very well and has excellent speech writers.

  8. Nah, he's another Bungalow (nothing upstairs), like Bill Clinton. Somehow, Dimocrats miss the fact that lack of action by that imbecile caused 9/11, preferring instead to blame W. The result? W is now so lacking in confidence that the last three years have been a washout for his presidency.

    Wake up, USA, and vote for someone who knows appeasement doesn't work: you had the chance for Giuliani, but forgot how he turned NY from a cesspit into a city safer than London. I wish he were a Brit.

    The big problem will come when the Franco-German Empire (AKA the European Union), with an emasculated (by Major, Blair & Brown) Britain dragged along, backs the Arabs over Israel; not because the Arabs case is stronger, but because they don't want to risk losing oil and going into a depression. This will result, in the event of an Arab-Israeli war, in the EU closing its airspace to US resupply (similar to 1973, but with no Soviet bogeyman to force them to allow the use of the Azores). The US will need to decide whether to back their most dependable ally in the Mid-East, or leave Israel to her own devices.

    Not one Dimocrat front-runner -- including Obama -- had the guts to choose what's right over what's easy, and I'm not convinced McCain does, either. Watch the news to see the next conflagration break out if Obama wins.

  9. i have doubts in Obama..

    in my opinion hes all talks forreal.

    he has no experience in governmenting.

    he plans on disarming the USA !!

    as in...getting rid of nuclear weapons, fighter jets, guns, subamrines, anti-missle defence systems...etc

    and then he also said hes going to negociate with Russia, Vietnam, Cuba, etc to get rid of thier weapons...LIKE THATS EVER GOING TO HAPPEN lmao~

    This is why Obama is NOT gonna win the general election

  10. yes

  11. Obama _reads_ speeches well -- but the moment he goes off-script (or off-teleprompter), he stumbles all over himself. Seriously, listen the next time a reporter asks him a question he wasn't expecting.

  12. No

  13. He's good at reading speeches that someone writes for him.

    I don't think that proves he will be a good president. Were is all the money going to come from for the programs that he proposes? Oh I know, he's going to take more of my money! Oh boy, I can't wait!!!

    Why won't he accept the challenge from McCain for a town hall style debate? I'm thinking because if all of his answers aren't prepared ahead of time, he couldn't handle himself well.

  14. Yes, he is quite convincing. The trouble with that is you never know where his convictions lie. He can convince on any subject, no matter what side he wants to entice.

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