
Is Obama a modern day Jesus?

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I don't mean to be sacraligious because I know there are SOME people on here who are christians. But lets be honest, he is going to make the first last and the last first (economically speaking). He will shelter the homeless, bring peace to all nations and whether you are liberal or not, you have to like the guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned water into wine when he wins haha!

So what do you think, is he kind of a modern day jesus?




  1. No I do not have to like the guy.  I can't stand him.  Him and Biden are slimy.  No question about it.

  2. Well, Jesus is not someone you can match up to.  After all, He has billions of worshippers, both dead and alive.  Obama only has millions, mostly alive.

    Ok, so Obama's promises are nice.  Unfortunately, there's only one way to find out if he can deliver.  And if the voters are wrong, then we're all screwed.

  3. I agree with you. I think we are supposed to have the Christ consciousness. Obama does that. He is such a great role model. People are starting to notice this. I wonder what people would say to your question in the religious section. I think that people who put him down have not allowed themselves to open up to him. They judged him by the color of his skin or the things they heard. He is our test. We are always being tested to see which one we will pick. We have the gift of discernment within. That is what the story of Adam & Eve is about. People have said "how could Adam & Even have known without a bible to read?" we have many way to know & when we don't have material possesion to guide us we have to tune it to our inner guidance.

  4. Obama wants to be your own personal Jesus.

  5. HA that JERK??? He's not fit to wipe bushes shoes after he jogs! That slime ball is a great talker but that's all he is he is going to kill america and it's our job to stop him. Modern day jesus *snort* that's like blasphemy. You want the truth? Check neil boortz

  6. how could he be effin jesus when his name rimes a terrorist and a country we are at war with

    Barrack = Iraq

    Obama = Osama


  7. Only for Democrats and the NAACP

  8. Have faith in Jesus and vote Obama.

    Obama loves America

    Obama is a humble Christian man.

    Southern Whites will rally behind Obama.

    Barack Obama is going to carry every state in the South including good old West Virginia.

    Southern Whites for Obama.

    Obama 08

    God Bless America

  9. Wow,  if so, Jesse Jackson wanted to cut his nuts off!

    I guess he's in trouble.

  10. No, he's not.

    He will be our next president, that's all.

  11. Anti-Christ is more like it.  As long as we're making reference to the Bible, or a Biblical figure, it does generally say that the Anti-Christ will be compared to/confused with Jesus Christ, will have close ties with opposers of Christianity, and will come in the guise of sweetness and light and fool everyone before the world is destroyed.  

    That doesn't sound out of the question, at this point.

  12. Are you f*ing kidding ? You need to grow up. He might the antichrist.

  13. I don't think Jesus tells as many lies as Obama can in less tha 30 seconds

  14. Yikes ! You have fallen for the Obama Con Big time .  Here go to a site called Judicial Watch and look up the list they have for THE TOP TEN MOST CORRUPT POLITICIANS ! On that list you will see how corrupt Obama really is . That's assuming you want the truth !

  15. Why do trolls bother to ask stupid questions like this?

    Vote for one:

    A. Because they are trolls!

    B. They have nothing better to do!

    C. They have nothing worthwhile to contribute!

    D. They are stupid!

    What you have described sounds more like the Anti-Christ!

    You have also described a Socialist.

    And he will take the Oath on the Koran!

  16. when Jesus came he turned things upside down, changed traditions and made all the religious leaders look like hypocrite.

    so much so that they crucified him.

    the qualifications you say Obama has is the ones listed as the anti Christ, although I don't think he's that either.

  17. No. He is simply the first good man to run for president in a long time.

  18. It's called the anti-Christ. False prophets....Check your scriptures.

  19. And don't forget to God d**n the Americans.

    You are absolutely right that some people think he's the son of God.

    But then again those people, for the most part don't know who God is.  

  20. Nope, he's all talk.  

    And if you believe that he will do all those things you are either brainwashed or smoking some serious crack.

  21. he is the modern day satan


    join u??? as in **** U SATAN

  22. Man I seriously hope your kidding. You seriously think someone can do that all in 4 years?? Man I hope your being sarcastic lol. Otherwise you must be riding unicorns over rainbows to believe that bunch of bs.

  23. The fact that he probably thinks that he is aside, Obama is already treated by the media like a messiah. He is the MOST liberal person in the senate, and that's saying something. He may be many things, including a great deceiver and liar, but he most definitely is not a modern day Jesus. Besides, everyone knows Jesus was above politics.

    Wow, your ranting makes it sound like Obama is the head of some liberal cult. Imagine that......

  24. maybe the anti-christ

  25. Nah, Obama isn't a fraud...probably.

  26. No, he is not!  Why don't you read the Holy Bible and come back then recite some verses that proves just that!

  27. He doesn't have to be to help out  a lot of people, that said, the way you put it sure makes it sound like he is the modern day jesus

  28. lol wtf?

    he hasent done anything yet though, just wait. Dont be so gullible, ill belive it when I see it.

    I hope your right though, we need that kind of president

  29. LOL I'm an Obama supporter and even I don't think he'll be able to bring peace to all the nations.  But I think he'll get our people out of Iraq.  

    If he can turn water into wine, he needs to get out of politics and start a wine company.

  30. No, he isn't performing miracles.

    But he'd be better than McBush.

  31. yeah, it certainly seems that way, doesn't it?


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