
Is Obama a sexist in the way he treated Hillary overall?

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Did McCain show that he is more friendly to women by chosing a woman for VP? Why couldn't Obama have created the dream team and just have named Hillary?




  1. yes he is

    Hillary should be president

  2. I think a lot of people are fishing for something to throw at Obama.  This is yet another thing that shows discomfort with the fact that Obama  does not fit stereotypes through which many view Black people.  Obama treated Hillary with the utmost respect by praising her achievements and her drive to be a candidate.  He was not into the mud slinging as she was.  She, on the other hand, believed that being White made her entitled to win.  Therefore, she took the attitude that if she did not win then McCain would win.  This is why McCain can play her accusations of Obama as part of his attack against Obama.  I think the question you want to be asking is if race is a factor in the accusations people throw at Obama and in their downplaying of his qualifications as the Clintons and others have done.  Not to mention the fact that many Hillary supporters ran away angry, calling Barack Obama an inadequate Black male.  And by the way, do not pay attention to McCain's stunt of trying to elect an amateur female vice president to play on the anger of Hillary voters.  This is a stunt and contradicts what he has been saying all along about the so-called amateurish Obama.  For Black voters, also notice that McCain was able to commend Hillary for her inspiration to women, and then he quickly added that Obama is an inspiration to "other people" without even naming who these other people are.  

  3. Because he is a hypocrite and a idiot.

  4. Karl Rove's new brilliant idea ?

  5. The only reason McBush picked a woman is so he will not be left out a historical election!  

  6. the whole world is sexist,  the media is sexist.  McCain is just using that woman to get a few women votes. Also, I'm sure Hillary wouldn't have wanted special treatment because she's a woman.

  7. Is Obama sexist in the way he treated Hillary? Only in your dreams.

    Did McCain show he is more friendly to women with his choice? No, he just insulted them. Palin may be a nice person (or not) but her experience on the national and international stage can't stack up against Hillary's.

  8. Friendly to women as in womanizer? Sure. Obama's definitely no better. They're both bloody male politicians, which roughly translates to a more discrete Bill Clinton.

  9. No.  They were competing for the same job.  By vote, he won.

  10. No, Obama is not sexist.  He's just fearful for his life.  Several people connected to the Clintons have died under mysterious circumstances.  Obama does not trust Hillary Clinton to be content being only one more mysterious death (his) from the presidency.

  11. Obama showed he is a sexist when he dismissed the female news reporters by calling them sweetie and then not letting them ask questions and telling them he'll get back to their question and just ignoring them and never allowing them to ask their questions.  In the Muslim faith women have no worth and this attitude may go back to the education he received in Jakarta, Indonesia while attending Muslim religious schools.

  12. Because it would have pissed off independents. I know it can be hard to think for yourself in politics, but please at least try.

  13. uhh absolutely not.

    Sexist is being bias towards one s*x over another. He was not judging Hillary clinton bc she was a female, but because he just did not want her to be his vp. Probably bc they had just spent the last year fighting over the position of president.

  14. I would have loved to have seen Obama/Clinton ticket but it didn't happen - time to move on. Biden was a good choice. His experience and established conections will be a big shot in the arm. He's a likable trustable person

  15. No. It's not about s*x. Don't you see that? Hillary lacks in a few areas.

  16. No--Obama picked who he thought the best person was for the job.  McCain pick his VP choice based on gender, so he is the sexist.

  17. Yes, if you remember early on the campaign trail he tried to minimize her role as the first lady and potential president by comparing to how he talks with his wife (what he shares). He couldn't pick Hillary because she is a threat as her popularity is too strong and could greatly reduce his chances to a one term presidency if actually elected.

  18. Mc cain choose this women just for get some vote from women.He know some women want to vote for same s*x ..Like black vot for black.White vote for white.

    And Mc cain know women doesn't read news paper or wacthing news..So he can pick any women to be his VP..

  19. Yes.....Obama treated Hillary in a sexist manner and I bet that Obama will treat Palin in a sexist manner. Unlike Obama.....McCain respects women & feminism.

    If I wore a bra, I would burn it to show my disdain for the atrocious fashion in which Obama has overlooked, ignored & mistreated Hillary

  20. Obama with Clinton would have been very hard to beat.

    But Obama is so stupid and so arrogant, he thinks he can win without her.

    He's wrong.

    McCain/Palin will win!

    McCain/Palin 2008.

  21. I believe that Hillary treated him a lot worse. Her attacks on him were not the actions of a lady. The records will show that she fought a very negative campaign. About the only thing she didn't do was come right out and call him the "N" word. But her supporters sure as h**l pulled the race card on many occasions.

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