
Is Obama anything more than a "community organizer"?

by Guest65563  |  earlier

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I guess that is change




  1. No, picking Biden with his 35yrs in Politics is not Change!

    He had a change to prove his "change" and he blew it.

  2. State legislator? Senator for the most populous state in the Midwest? Either of those ringing a bell..?

  3. Don't fall for Palin's nonsense.

    It is Obama's community organizing skills that took down one of the toughest political machines in the country.

    And it's his community organizing skills that will help him to win this election.

    Because while Palin and the Republicans are making fun of Obama's former job, he's using these skills to register millions of voters to come out and vote for him this November.

    Watch and see.

    Palin and McCain are going to wish they had some community organizing skills come November.

  4. he is a U.S. Senator

  5. He is a junior senator that has'nt done much.

  6. You are such a robot.  Hear it, devour it and repeat.  Come up with something original.  Is McCain just an old POW?

  7. Community organizer in the City of Chicago needs to be added to the question.  Chicago's population is 2896019 (US Census 2000) and that is not a small task to take on and be as successful as Barack Obama has been. That is only one of the many things he did for the city and the State of Illinois.  Obama is more than just a good speaker to his followers.  He has proven what he can do as a leader.


  9. Look at her record in Alaska, that says volumes. As she said, look at Obamas, he has done nothing. Ever been to Ford Heights, or Chicago Heights, Illinois? One of the scariest places in America. He cant even clean up his own neighborhood, let alone a country.

    Her and Guiliannis speakings, really put another couple nails in the coffin for Yomama, oops, Obama.

    And by the way if you think that Obamas speech didnt lack substance, all he talked about were things that every president talks about, almost to a tee. What he didnt speak about, was how the "plans" he had were to be carried out. So if that isnt lacking substance, you need to get on another band wagon. Or maybe you are a head of an organizing comittee also?

    Since all of you want to "hear" what they are going to do for our country, why dont you look at records, at who has done what for his or her country? Doesnt take an Ivy League Edumucation to do that, now does it?

    And yes, a short biography, is what the people need to hear, it has proven track records behind it, it shows the personality, drive, and committment of a person. Unlike Obama, who goes to school, slithers his way into congress, then when he gets there, does absolutely nothing, let alone, does nothing for our country, but not even the state he represents

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