
Is Obama as big of a celebrity as Lincoln was?

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Is Obama as big of a celebrity as Lincoln was?




  1. Putting the DFL candidate's name in the same sentence as President Lincoln is an unsult to President Lincoln.

    The DFL candidate is not fit to be a U.S. Senator yet alone the President.  He is a radical left-wing politician that promotes socialist policies.

    There is little the DFL candidate has in common with our Founding Fathers or the values & principles our great nation was founded on (ie, capitalism / free market, individual freedom, low taxation, limited government, states' rights).

  2. Bigger.

    Less so Than Ike.

    Who warned us of overspending and The Military control of Government.

  3. No way

  4. Obama is A list.

    Lincoln was never better than a D list celebrity.  In fact, the guy who shot him, John Wilks Booth, was the George Clooney of his day.  A very popular actor, and Democratic political activist.

  5. Lincoln had some substance.  Barry is a flash in the pan.

  6. No body knows, It would depend on his presidency.

  7. No I would say more like michael jackson

    Wait he is a pediphile.and endorses bama. nice to see who is voting for him

    McCain 08

  8. Lincoln stood by his word.  Obama is a floppy version of Linc.

  9. How big is "big"?  He's happier than I think Lincoln was.

  10. Lincoln was actually a man of constant defeat until he won the presidency...he was definitely tenacious and paid his due, unlike Obama

  11. there are no luxury cars named obama  

  12. He will definitely want a nice statue in Washington. He thinks he is a bigger celebrity than Washington himself. And savior of the country. The man has a huge ego.

  13. Lincoln was only a celebrity after he was dead.  Are you suggesting Obama will be assassinated as Hillary did a few months ago?

  14. The parallels are really interesting.  I'd say at this point he was a bigger celebrity then Lincoln at the same point in the campaign.  Remember Lincoln was a compromise after none of the top three candidates could get enough votes.  But he has a lot to live up to as president.  Time will tell.

  15. Lincoln wasn't a media w***e.

  16. Even bigger, Lincoln never took a worldwind trip of Europe. Plus, I don't think Mtv ever voted Lincoln their top presidential pick on Rock the Vote. Just hope the endings ain't the same huh? Let's hope we've evolved in the past 100 years.....

  17. Ahh, no?

    Back then, Lincoln wasn't anything close to being famous.  In a sense he was a celebrity back then, because so many people knew him and believed something.

    Remember, the whole South hated his guts.  The only reason Lincoln was elected was being there were three or five Democrats (I can never remember the number) running for President, and that divided the whole Democratic party.  He won by a small margin.  There were many who loved him, but a lot who loathed his guts.

    But yeah, he was well-known.  He did try to free the slaves and the whole Civil War thing going on.

    However, Obama takes trips to Europe and practically everyone in the world knows him.  I think he's a bigger celebrity then what Lincoln WAS during his time.

  18. No. There was a Civil War and about a million people were killed, to mention one point.

    The power of modern worldwide media and sophisticated technology and production capabilities can create a superstar in a very short time. It just takes a little talent and a lot of money. Much quicker and controlled.

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