
Is Obama coming off as a venomous hate monger the cause of his dip in the polls?

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Could this be a sign of desparation as the latest polls show he continues to slip after 38 mil people watched him promise the undeliverable? First post Palin poll; Zogby, McCain/Palin 47%, Obama/Biden 45,




  1. You mean that he's looking more and more like his wife? Then yes I'd say you were correct.

  2. AndyPanda....ARE YOU SERIOUS....we are not spending OUR money for the use of oil, we are spending our money on the iraq war, and we are borrowing money from China to drill our oil. Listen to what they say, obama AND mccain both said we need to stop borrowing money from china to pay for our oil.

    And if any of you have even looked at the poll obama is up by 8 percent....AFTER McCain intro. Palin.

  3. Yep, it's beginning to fall apart.

    Obama knows that he needs a big lead in the polls to win.

    Obama bin Biden will lose by six in November.

  4. WTF...WTF...? Are you ASLEEP. THIS IS INSANE! you ARE Insane. yhe poles... do you know what they ask? It is a JOKE> McCain> NO EFFING CHANCE! It's a media frenzy> How can you not see it? Where are you> WTF???Ridiculous. Anyone who takes the McCain candidacy seriously is not to be taken seriously!

  5. Thank you for the encouragagin news!

    I am always glad to see McCain and Palin doing so well

    Obama is toast and Biden is toast...and Michelle is just bread

  6. If the polls say Obama's up, then that's at least two days ago when he made his lame empty promise speech.

    McPalin all the way.


    And atheists for Obama, is that really a stretch?

  7.  Mc Cain / Palin are up 47  to  Obama biden  45  

  8. If he was turning bitter, would he have said this: "I love this country and so do you and so does John McCain" In the words of the Australian Democrat Party; "Keeping the b******s honest".

  9. Venoumous hate monger?  Really?  Did Biden and a big ol' chunk of the Democratic party cease to be caucasian?  Did elections cease to be one candidate telling why he or she is better then the other candidate?

    And since Obama/Biden have a lead, I'm going to say I'm not sensing the desperation.

  10. He hates Americans so much he wants to give them better health care, better jobs and a better country.

    The most recent poll from Zogby was from before the DNC.

    However, six other more recent polls (Gallup, Rasmussen, CNN, USA Today/Gallup, Hotline and ABC/Washington Post) average out to a 3.9 point lead with five giving Obama a lead and only one at a tie.

    Also, several of her fellow Republican Alaskan legislators say she's not ready to be president.

    And my links work.

  11. No doubt, hear all day today he is toast!!! We need someone for the USA, not the whole dam world!!, those other countries are all oil rich I am tired of sending the zillions of dollars, of our tax money!! and then the high gas to boot!!! not fair


  12.   Why would he be? He is not the one running the negative smear campaign. He is not the one attacking his opponents religion and family values.  

  13. Hmm...looks like Obama has actually spiked in the polls.  327 to 206!!

    And here is another site...showing the Dems are ahead:

  14. what are you talking about, Obama is up by 8 points

    and your link does not work

  15. Is that why the reputable polls Rasmussen and Gallup show him with an 8 point lead?

    Spin spin spin!

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