
Is Obama even qualified to hold a cabinet position?

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I don't see him being qualified to work for a President let alone become one. President Bush has advisors that have more qualifications than Obama.




  1. Bush HAD advisors that were qualified


    He fired them because they told the truth and it was NOT what he wanted to hear !!

    Quite a question coming from someone that voted for the biggest bafoon in the History of the USA  TWICE !!!

    youcertainly have no credentials to determine anyones qualifications !

  2. Let's make him the Secretary General of the UN and pull out immediately afterwards.  

    Yes, I'm sure that he's qualified for a few things but not as President.

  3. He's qualified to stack food in cabinets.

    Not much else.

  4. If he was not qualified , He couldn't even run.

    As far as Bush's advisors are concerned They should have advised him about the war..I hate it when people have to grab any thing and throw it out there because they did not get their way.

  5. No.  If the tables were turned and Hillary had won the primaries decidedly, the last person she would give a cabinet position would be Obama.  Not just Hillary, but any of the other candidates, had they won the nomination and went on to be President.  He would be just another young Senator with little experience who would continue to be primed for 2016.

  6. Oh you are so funny!  How about Bush's cabinet?  Really great, aren't they?  FEMA Director Brown ring a bell?

  7. Can you define "qualified"? (I know, probably not.)

    Are you saying that you have to have been a governor to be president?

    But only if you are a republican governor, right?

    Or maybe you have to be a senator--for how long?

    Only longer than Obama.

    Or maybe you have to have relatives who have been president?

    But only if they are republicans.

    What else? Hmmm, how about...

    Education (Obama: top of his class, McCain: bottom of his class)

    Ability to Inspire (Obama: millions, McCain: Inspire? To do what? FIGHT?)

    Oh, here's an easy one!

    Speak: (Obama: well, yeah; McCain: ummm....)

    Fly a Plane: (Obama: 0, McCain: -5)

    Mental Health: (Obama: seems sharp enough:, McCain: schizophrenic "maverick that was")

    Imprisonment: (Obama: falls short on this one, McCain: Oh, yeah, that's it: POW trumps all!)

    Seriously, though, child. Can you articulate what you even mean by "qualified"?

    Oh, oh. I get it: WHITE!

    Of course, of course. The black guy couldn't be qualified: He's BLACK for heavens sake. You don't need any evidence to support that he's not qualified when he's black. That's all the evidence you need.

  8. Nope, thats the scary part

    The man hasnt even proven himself capable of performing his senate job, half of which he blew off to run for president

  9. Not even my dude ranch,

    Good question,  

  10. The United States Constitution says you must be at least 35 years old, a natural born US citizen, and not be a felon to run for President. Obama meets those requirements.

    Bush should not have been allowed because of his DUI. Only because DUIs weren't felonies back then was he allowed to run.  

  11. And those advisors ruined a country among with Mr Bush.

    Obama is qualified AND smart enough to hold a cabinet position.

  12. You either want a president that'll tax the working people to pay for those who don't work or you don't.  Which is it?  It doesn't take a brilliant overly experienced liberal to make that happen. Clinton rode the coat tails of a exploding .com boom created by self employed business college graduates which he had no influence over. h**l, Mickey Mouse could have been president presiding over a hard working American generated economy.  Clinton just took the credit. Don't get me wrong, Bush will go down in history as a bad president who took us to war with no end. but call it like it is. Obama becoming the president will do exactly what he's telling us he'll do to get your vote. The only question is does the voter realize BEFORE the election what's it going to cost?  The CBO has already announced that the numbers don not add up and his plan will cost tax payers more than 3 Iraq wars. Ok - libs, thumbs down me because you libs who no comment sense factual response, just place your mouse over that thumb -! while I chuckle.

  13. Well that is a personal thing. I don't think he is qualified to become the contents of a can of ALPO, but that is just me.  

  14. NO, but that doesn't matter. Bloodlines and cronies are what matters in getting positions like that. It's always been that way.

  15. President Bush has more crooks, too, and I don't want another one in the next White House administration.

    Obama '08

  16. Maybe Dept. of Education.

  17. If it were O'Bama instead of Obama, we never would have heard of this guy.

  18. Bush qualified???? are you serious?

    Obama went to Columbia University then went on to Harvard Law school where he was president of the Law review.

    He also taught constitutional law at Chicago University Law School.

    In his short term as a senator he sponsored or co-wrote 37 bills.

    This guys is like a phenom, first round draft pick he is over qualified to be President by republican standards. You can put up Bush, McCain and their wives Education and Obama got them all beat. In fact put up the Education of anyone on Bushes staff against Obama's resume.

  19. Not even qualified for a cabinet position in my opinion.  There are staffers with more experience than he has.  

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