
Is Obama hiding some potentially embarassing information about his background?

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I read an very interesting piece this morning from: 'Politico', titled: Exclusive: Obama's lost law review article.

(it starts off)

"As president of the Harvard Law Review and a law professor in Chicago, Senator Barack Obama refined his legal thinking, but left a scant paper trail. His name doesn't appear on any legal scholarship."

So I wondered why someone so important has no paper trail during such a recent part of out premier nations law school when computers were used along with paper backups. Does that not sound fishy or like something is up to you too?

NOTICE: I am not saying anything pro or con Obama, merely asking about missing documents when he should have had a lot of documents per his lofty titles.




  1. Who cares?

    Why is some paper he wrote years ago in question?

    Lets stick to REAL issues.

    Go Obama!!!

  2. I agree with you, why did they have a problem locating his birth certificate in Hawaii....Everyone is following a cult leader right now but it will all come out in the end.  (I believe)

    I agree with Mr. Taco but now I wonder how much a Taco is going to cost in the future.

  3. Frankly, I don't care. Some law review article from 18 years ago is pretty much irrelevant to whether or not Obama would make a good President. This is the kind of political nonsense that makes so many people walk into the polls in November totally clueless because they are apparently oblivious to the difference between real issues and propaganda. And no, my argument is not just pro-Obama bias. I feel the same way about Obama's nagging on John McCain's apparent lack of knowledge on how many houses he owns. Who cares? I don't care about their past experience. I don't care about how old they are. I don't care which freakin' political party they belong to. I don't care what their middle name is or whether they cheated on their history final their sophomore year of high school. All I care about is this: what are these two guys planning on doing about our economy, the environment, the war in Iraq, our education system, social security, the deficit, rising costs of gas and food and insurance, and our failing international credibility? That is all that matters.  

  4. who on earth that has lived past their childhood, does NOT have things they would rather the world not know?

    Just because he is running for office doesnt make him or his past perfect.

  5. I think at this point, No. Always ask yourself " Do I have anything to hide from public knowledge?".

  6. What has not been disclosed about Obama ?

    Have not all of us made some poor decisions ?

    Only he who does nothing, does nothing wrong.


  7. Your own article states WHY.....b/c he was president of HLR....he reviewed papers....and didn't write very many.

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