
Is Obama jealous of Sarah Palin for stealing the media spotlight? ?

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"Barack Obama's campaign plans to employ high-profile female supporters in an effort to blunt GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's potential to persuade women to vote Republican. " Associated Press.

Is Obama afraid of Sarah Palin?




  1. I doubt it.......Obama is Ok...

    The only thing that I want to know is.  who did Palin select to be her running mate ?  Was it that old guy who can't remember how many houses he owns.  

  2. ARE YOU CRAZY ?????????

    OBAMA/BIDEN '08 !!!!!!!!

  3. "jealous"


    I sincerely doubt it.

  4. Is Obama afraid of Sarah Palin?

    He should be!

  5. No, he isn't. Hillary was slated to go on the campaign trail for Obama long before Palin was announced.  

  6. Any celebrity is jealous when a intelligent person steals the spotlight!

  7. I fell bad for John McCain and I see him as a very bitter angry old man that will start WW3. Did I hear him say he wants to start c**p with the Russians?

    I am afraid WW3 is inevitable very shortly after John McCains inaguration day...

    Good thing Sarah Palin can lead us all in a prayer.

  8.   No he is taking the high road by talking about issues unlike Palin who lied in her speech and mudslinged.

  9. Of course he is.  Everything is about him.

  10. There was no spotlight stealing. Good press will trump bad press in an election. This isn't American Idol. Hers has been largely bad.

    Palin has no potential to 'persuade' women. Women will never switch to a conservative if their views aren't already with them. Her having a v****a makes no difference.

  11. Yes, your last sentence answered your own question.

    It's not jealousy he feels, its fear.

  12. Of course he is. This is a serious elections that pitts the left alternative life stiles against working class America. This is a women who is not g*y and she scares the the h**l out of him.  

  13. Nope cause Sarah Palin is now under investigation for abusing her powers.

    Not spreading lies here.

    In fact, your tax money is used to defend her.

    What a waste of good resources.

  14. Well, he IS a Leo and the lions need constant ego-stroking :P.  I am sure he is jealous of anyone who takes the spotlight away from him for more than one second.  He is probably jealous when Joe Biden's name is mentioned, but his isn't.

  15. NO! Obama already had high profile Females with him. His Staff is filled with High Quality Females .Obama doesn't get jealous its beneath him!

    Obama/Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!

  16. Nobama is jealous of everything and everybody.   Lets quit fooling ourselves about Nobama winning...He's not gonna.....Woo hoo! ...

    McCain 08!!!

  17. Palin has garnered media attention and support in recent days for a very solid delivery of a speech written for her by Bush's former speechwriter Matthew Scully.  Obama, meanwhile, has made a name for himself with his own words.  (I am aware that he now cowrites his speeches, but his 2004 DNC speech and his books are all him.)

    So to answer the question... I am guessing that the Obama campaign is still concerned about disgruntled Clinton supporters and is attempting to prevent Palin from stealing them away.  I don't think he will be feeling too jealous, though, as unearned attention is fickle.  Let's wait and see what happens once the candidates have to offer unscripted remarks, addressing ACTUAL ISSUES during live televised debates.

  18. well, first of all, Obama has no need to be afraid of someone who's running for VICE PRESIDENT, because that's not the position he's fighting for.

    also, I think the real question is, 'how soon is it going to back fire on republican's for calling Obama a "celebrity" after they have now nominated quite the "celebrity" vp?

  19. Oh no, Obama is completely enjoying the spotlight Palin is getting, because it keeps getting more and more hilarious as time goes on and it just infuses that the polls keep get higher and higher for Obama

  20. I think for maybe one night, he was wondering about her.  I think after he watched McCain's horrible acceptance speech, he was feeling more confident.

    You have to realize that Sarah Palin is now the empty suit celebrity being splashed on the tabloids.  She's like Sanjaya in American Idol after he sang "Besame Mucho", people were pleasantly surprised by her speech, but she is still the butt of jokes.

  21. afraid of Sarah Palin?

    afraid of a woman?


  22. Huh???  As far as he is concerned she can have it..All she does is set herself up for the big day she will look out of her league in dealing with IVY league men.  They are already planning to expose her in debate...She will look like  the BAIT that she is..  Just Bait..  But, It is typical for an old guy like McCain to think about fishing and his strategy of go with the flow...

    Obama/Biden 08

  23. I don't know if he is jealous, but I bet he is second guessing his dumping of Hilary. It's fun to watch. I cannot wait til the debates.  

  24. I doubt he is AFRAID of her, but he is trying to spotlight the fact that the Republicans only brought in Palin because she was a woman with specific positions on issues. She is DEFINITELY ill-qualified when compared to other more accomplished women in politics.

  25. Standard Operating Procedure in an election, he is just trying to win. That's about the only thing I can't fault the man for.

  26. She's earning money for the Obama campaign hand-over-fist, so I don't think that's a big issue (he earned $8 million the night of her speech).  I think they hope she talks more.  So far, this relatively unknown VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidate has only spoken with one media source (and that was the hard hitting, politically compelling People Magazine).  I think that using Hillary and Sebelius (sp?) is merely the DNCs chance to show how ridiculous McCain was to play the girl card with Palin during this election.  Those of us who supported Hillary know just how big of a difference there is in these two politicians.

  27. Doubtful.

    So, now you all are done claiming the media is against her (now that she stole the "media spotlight")... or will you still use that, too?

  28. If that is his intention, it is a smart move. Jealousy or fear aren't the way to counter an opponent.

  29. Not really! The spot light she is getting now is over all the fibs she had in her speech!

    What do you expect, a Bush speech writer wrote it!

  30. Yes, and it shows. They don't know how to deal with her so they get all their media friends to shamelessly smear the h**l out of her. It didn't work. It only drove more Americans TO her!

  31. You bet he is!

    But, the three high profile females... are no good for Obama.  Hillary is NOT liked by a lot of people.  Sure she cracked the ceiling; but, people didn't want her from her own party.  That says a lot!

    The Governor from Kansas is really a lousy one.

    The Governor from Arizona is being used more as a pawn because McCain is from that state.

    If Democrats get in; mark this on your calendar:  America is on her way to the very bottom.   The enemy will strike again; they did during Clinton's era but he did nothing to get them.  

    Bush employed our military force to the region of Afghanistan within weeks to get Osama bin Laden.  Obama Biden is really an insult to those who died that terrible day in September 2001; three letters different from who was behind the worse attack on the American soil.

    Guess you all didn't watch Bill O'Reilly last night eh?

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