
Is Obama losing in the polls because liberals can't find anything derogatory that rhymes with McCain or Palin?

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Is Obama losing in the polls because liberals can't find anything derogatory that rhymes with McCain or Palin?




  1. The only poll I look at is the Gallup Poll because it is completely unbiased and it shows Obama up on McCain 49-43 at the moment.

    You must watch Fox News.

  2. Obama isn't losing in the polls.

  3. Obama should be way ahead and he isn't. He is up in the polls by a bit but not much.

    Most of America is in the middle and Obama is far left and that is the problem. The people in the middle understand his policy's and know for the most part they are failed policy's from the Jimmy Carter era.  Why do a dido. It's expensive and time wasting.

    Other than that he's not a bad guy!  

  4. McCain in pain over fail'n to vet Palin.

  5. Every single poll shows Obama ahead. . .

  6. LMAO what polls is he losing all or most of the polls he's ahead.

  7. Losing?  You must be watching Fixed News again?  Obama is up in every poll, some as much as 8%.

  8. Ok step away from the kool aid ma'am

    Place your hands around a knowledgeable source

    Failure to do so it may result in your extreme ignorance and stupidity

    This is your last warning

  9. No, it's mostly because he is a socialistic moron, and hasn't done anything productive in his life.

  10. Latest polls show Obama up about 6 pts.

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