
Is Obama really a candidate of CHANGE?

by Guest21382  |  earlier

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While in the Illinois Senate, he did NOTHING to stand up and make any changes to the dirty Chicago political machine. While in the US Senate, he spent most of his time running for President.

Actions speak louder than empty rhetoric words. Look what Sarah Palin has done with her time while in public office. Now that is CHANGE we can all believe in.




  1. Thanks for all the links and specific details, you sure convinced me.

  2. He will change NOTHING.

    He will put his clan on welfare

    He will raise taxes

    He will s***w up the economy worse than it is now

  3. you bring up an interesting point.  there are two camps:

    do as i say.

    do as i do.

    i believe "do as i do" defines the person, because words are cheap and easy, actions are the tell-tale of what the person really is.  i have yet to see these actions of change from obama, but so many people are willing to follow him it's as though it doesn't matter.

  4. Really and what the **** have you read about him other then your Jeremi Corsi, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter bigotry presentation of him.  The problem with people like you is that you only believe in information that's one sided.  You would rather insult one just because of the party they represent instead of do actual research on them.  If you would like me to list Baracks experience and accomplishments there is not even close to enough room on yahoo answers.  Palin was a good governor for the state of Alaska which there not much to govern when not enough people want to live there in the first place.

  5. What I find so amusing about Obama is that he goes on, and on, and on  about change and how he is the candidate for change, and look who he picks as a running mate....a career politician.  McCain has picked a running mate who delivers all the change Obama is promising us.

  6. Sarah Palin is change all right.  She'd make abortion IMPOSSIBLE even in the direst circumstances.  She would have your local school, and all schools for that matter, teaching creationism.  She doesn't even know what a VP does at this point.  She is a joke.

    I was not planning on voting for McCain anyway, but I feel insulted as a woman by his choice.  He picks some newbie neo-con as his VP thinking that women everywhere will rejoice.  Does he really think we're that stupid?  Nevermind, I already know what McCain really thinks of women.  

    But he doesn't just insult women.  He insults us all.  Here is a man who picks his VP candidate on his 72nd birthday.  He's putting an inexperienced person a heartbeat away from the presidency.  He could die in his sleep at any time, and he would leave us with Sarah Palin?  At least Obama had the grace to pick a practiced statesman as his running mate.  I would feel safe with Joe Biden, but Sarah Palin?  No thank you.

  7. Yes, a soccer mom is not even at his level of speech

  8. you see the light. Pass on the word, and I shall too.He is my state senator, and I don't remember him being elected.

  9. why do i get that feeling your mind is made up about this anyway?

    obama/biden 08

  10. Like *all*...repeat ALL...politicians Obama tells the people what they want to hear. Later on, like *all* politicians, when he doesn't do what he said he would he'll either say, "I never said that," or "I didn't mean that the way it sounded."

  11. Obama voted against the war. McCain didn't.

    McCain voted with President Bush 90% of the time. That surely should show you that he isn't going to change anything.

    Obama will.

    Obama 08

  12. As Barack said "words, just words".

  13. I dont agree with your assessment of his political career.

    And yes, he is the candidate of change

  14. Yes, he is the candidate of change. Nothing in Palin's thin resume translates to the kinds of issues  a VP needs on the national and international scene. She freely admits she knows nothing about the Middle East, for crying out loud.If McCain says, "let's go to war" Palin will grab her assault rifle and say, "Oh, goodie." She is more of the same---in the pocket of the NRA, the ultra-conservatives, the oil lobbyists and the right-to-lifers. That's NOT change.

  15. No, but the ticket of McCain/Palin is and you can take that to the bank!

    John McCain has delivered by choosing Sarah Palin, as his VP. She moved into the Alaskan Governor's house and let the chef go, saying she could prepare the food for her family. Then, she put the Governor's jet on ebay, saying she could drive herself. She has changed what was once a corrupt system in Alaska's Government while Obama just stands by The Chicago Crime Machine, so he can climb the political ladder. Talk about grabbing the moose by its horns and cleaning up Alaska!  Palin became President of the PTA, which led her into being Mayor of her City. She stepped up to being the Governor of Alaska while maintaining an 80% approval rating from both the Republicans and the Democrats in her state. Thank God John McCain never gave up and was able to look past gender to find the perfect VP to help him clean up Washington. Washington is broken, but together they can fix it.

  16. Yeah, I'm an Independent and that is why I'm leaning a bit towards McCain/ Palin. Sure, Obama is a great speaker and his message of "change" sound great and inspiring, but what has he done as a U.S. Senator that makes you believe he'll be able to do all the things he promises as president? I mean, all that we've heard from him has been great speeches but never any specifics.

    Look for this election to change once the debates come

    around. Obama will either solidify his lead by actually letting the American people know what he means by all this "change" talk or McCain will close the gap and go on to win the election because Obama wasn't able to specify.

    We'd all like "change", but what kind and how?

    EDIT: For all those Obama supporters that keep saying his is the candidate of "change". Do you even know how he will bring about change? Besides his speeches?


    Obama would NEVER claim one of his grandchildren was his kid -- like PALIN did.

    She pretended to be pregnant.  What a big fat liar!

    Let her go back to being a "Hockey Mom" and leave us alone

  18. well hes not a candidate of WAR like your man mccain

  19. need to get your facts straight sir...

    When Obama was in the Illinois Senate, he spoke out AGAINST the war in Iraq....something that everyone else on his side of the isle YES he does represent change.

    Who you gonna vote for? McCain?

    ...100 more years of war? No affordable health care? More tax cuts for the RICH?

    Sorry, but I dont think I care for that...

  20. Yes she has created so much controversy in such a short time.

    Yes obama is a candidate of change.

  21. yes

    Obama/Biden 2008

  22. personally, i do not want the kind of change sarah palin has to offer.

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