
Is Obama really supposed to ride up the podium on a golden chariot?

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Is Obama really supposed to ride up the podium on a golden chariot?




  1. That would be pretty awesome and may be in the works..

  2. Britney Spears' set builder, RDA Entertainment, built the Barackopolis set.  It's going to be a gee whiz performance.  

  3. I suppose in your g*y fantasies of him he does, but not in reality.

  4. This whole thing is so "staged".

    All the Democratic UNIONS have joined together and packaged OBAMA Like they do a Commodity.   They are his Public Relations "agents".

    The liberal News Media - Free airtime* Free Public Relations

    The Hollywood Union Machine - Selfish One-sided views from "A" list celebs

    Union Recording Artists - Self-Serving Songs about the great one,  endorsed by popular union singers and bands.

    Print Media Writers Union - Time, Newsweek, NEVER cover any flaws, Obama is like a finely written commerial

    History of our country is being taught by UNION teachers and professors that have benefited from Union policies that keep dead weight teachers.

    *3rd Party Candidates don't stand a chance getting Union promotion, that's why they can't compete in Electons

    The Democrats are all about Unionization.  Which is socialism, Big Government Intervention - Big Brother

    Chicago mafia union politics-The Crime boss Godfathers put their candidates forward (and judges) to do their underworld will. They are stealing our tax dollars in the form of "Earmarks" or Pork barrel spending which is appropriated by the Democratics and funnelled to the Godfathers, that's why they want to RAISE taxes, they are greedy. That's why the Mafia hates corporations, they don't get a piece of the action.

    Unions Cause Inflation.

    Unions Cause Loss of Jobs (companies move overseas)

    Unions Cause Higher construction costs (Home buying),

    Union Cause higher groceries (union store, Union trucks),

    Before Unions took hold the cost of living made life easier and helped people grow, buy homes and invest.  Now we live on credit cards so don't talk economics to me Democrats.

    Now jobs are lost to China & India, Gov't. efficiency is red taped, sub-standard education because the kids don't get the funding, the "Administrators" do.

    Once, Unions worked - they don't anymore.  Now we have LAWS in place and we don't need Unions.  Do kids tell their parents how to run a household - NO, Unions have no business butting into a Corporation either.

    Republicans - Free Enterprise - "Individualism"

    The Democrats have had their chances to Regulate Health insurance companies, but they cheating on us with lobbyists.  ONE law (which would make sure insurance companies cannot discriminate (pre-existing, age, financial) would change the problems with healthcare.

    The Dems did nothing.

    So Democrats are NOT for the people, thats a lie and Obama's "straight" talk is really "double talk"

  5. I hear he would wear a toga and summon lightning down upon unbelieving mortals and proclaim himself god.

  6. yes, the Pope mobile is in the shop.

  7. Maybe Pegasus is going to fly him in.  Obama being a mythical god and all.

  8. nope

  9. Obama is such a joke.

  10. Rotflmao!

  11. I heard he was going to float down out of the clouds with a halo around his head.

  12. Cute. he'll walk like everyone else. Perhaps McCain should have made an honest entrance to the republican convention and have been carried in atop a flag draped coffin.

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