
Is Obama right? Was Palin's daughter punished with a baby? Should she have killed it? Is that the solution?

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Before answering maybe you should ask your mother or father if they planned you 100%. I number 4 of 5 children and my mom admits, she did not plan me. Thank God she gave me a chance, now I buy her a new car each year and have children of my own. Thank you mom, I love you.




  1. Barack Obama never said Governor Palin's daughter was punished with a baby. As a matter of fact He said that people should leave Governor Palin's daughter out of things just as he defended his wife when the public attacked her.I am a democrat and will vote for Obama-Biden. But I strongly disagree with people making judgements about Michelle Obama as well as Governor Palin's family.Vote for the candidate of your choice and quit disrespecting their family members.And no she shouldn't have killed her baby.She'll probably make a fine mother.

  2. That would be his assessment by his own words.  I empathize with Bristol, and her family.  It would be in Obama's supporters best interest to follow Obama on this subject and leave it alone.  His fans are making him look like a liar over this.  He says they will not touch it - but he lies.  They are all over it, and have no right to judge.

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