
Is Obama still a friend of terrorist Bill Ayers?

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How can DEMS even consider a candidate that is and has aligned himself with terrorists? No wonder Obama is against the war on terrorism!




  1. YES! but he is trying to hide it.

    MOBIUS: You are wrong. The source is most of the media.

    Obama is and was friends with both Ayers and Doehrn, both members  of the weather underground, who killed cops and blew up buildings back in the 1970's.

    Ayers recently said that he wished he had done more.

  2. Your approach is divisive and not good for the future of America.  Check your facts and quit stirring up trouble.

  3. Of course, democrats best friends are terrorists, Jimmy Carter goes around hugging them, Jane Fonda poses for pictures and turns in our men in the military, and just look at how many libs pal it up with dictators like Castro and Chavez.

    To the liars claiming he's not friends, then why did Obama kick off his political career at Ayers home?

  4. yes, why else would he have kicked off his campain at ayers house? now that it is an issue, he condems ayers acts.  very hard to reconcile this while he served on boards with ayers and was his friend. all the time, ayers taking pictures stomping on the american flag and saying he did not do enough.

  5. Obama was put as chairman of Ayers newly formed foundation, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.  They served together on the board at Woods Fund in Chicago.  Obama who is careful in choosing sites where significant events in his political career happen, launched his political career at Ayers' home.  

    The likely answer is yes.

  6. Yes - he has never said otherwise.

  7. I would bet on it. Hey, if he wins--and he won't--but if he did, he could make Bill head of Homeland Security. Who would know better how terrorists work than a terrorist? You know the way Frank Abagnale, the real guy that the movie "Catch Me If You Can" was about. He now advices corporations on how to avoid fraud.

    Yeah, stop being divisive by telling the truth!

  8. a few months ago he said he was..then later said he didn't really know him..he was just i guy that lived in my it has come out obama was his #2 man...

  9. I can't believe I'm going to say this... dlk is right....

    (Obama has said he "deplored" what Ayers did in the 1960s and that "by the time I met him, he is a professor of education at the University of Illinois. We served on a board together that had Republicans, bankers, lawyers, focused on education.")

  10. Obama launched his very first political campaign at his house.  If McCain had launched his first political campaign at  timothy mcveighs house do you think liberals would say "there is no connection"?

  11. Is McCain still friends with Bush? I think they are twins

  12. He must be. Didn't Michelle say in her speech "He's the same man I married 19 years ago"? That would mean yes, he is still close, personal friends with the domestic terrorist in whose home he began his political career.

  13. Never was.  Your source of "information" is lying to you.

  14. Absolutely!!!!  There was a HUGE article in the Chicago paper about their associationS.  That is, IF, it is still there and has NOT magically disappeared as yet.

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