
Is Obama supporters Smearing Palin cause they don't have anything on her?

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Also, do you think anyone whom doesn't vote for her is being Sexist?




  1. No, it has nothing to do with that but everything to do with, if you're willing to lie about something THIS small, what else would you lie about? That's why it's coming out like this. It has nothing to do with smearing the campaign because if you have nothing to hide then why pull the lead story on several different sites? That's all it is.  

  2. Nothing on her? Are you kidding me? She's under investigation for firing someone who wouldn't fire her brother-in-law. She's a radical conservative nut-job anti-choice, anti-g*y rights, anti-science, hunting fanatic, creationist. She's everything as a woman and decent human being, I am against.

  3. I don't think it's wrong of me to want someone running for Vice President to already know what a vice president does all day. (Link.)

    I do think the "that's not her kid! It's her daughter's!" people are being silly, but I also think that's the standard treatment you get when you step up. Look at what people said about Hilary. Plus, her closet's not clean: Troopergate has evidence.

    I have no idea whether anyone's sexist or not until I've listened to them. I'm not voting for her because I think she's only slightly more qualified to be Vice President to a 72-year-old man who's seen cancer four times and is about to take over the most aging job on the planet than I am.

  4. Do you think anyone who doesn't vote for Obama is racist? same principle. You should have thought harder before you asked this question. You didn't have to waste 5 points

  5. If she was on the Obama ticket she would be the female massiah  

  6. I don't see any smearing. I see them questioning who she is, I have never heard of her  till 2 days ago. I just answered a question regarding the sexist attitude of some women. I think they have to take a good look at the woman the might choose, she is no Hilary.

  7. I don't like Palin for the same reasons I don't like McCain. None of their views represent my own. I must vote for who most accurately depicts my beliefs... Based on that, they could never ever have my vote.  

  8. I don't know what kind of smears you're talking about.  I just know that this woman should not have been picked as a vice-presidential candidate.  If McCain were elected president, given his age, he could die in his sleep on any given night, and then this woman would be PRESIDENT!  She looks like any old SUV driving soccer mom.  She wouldn't know a thing about being president.  She's only been governor of Alaska for a short time, and there are less than half a million people living up there.  That's no big deal.  Anyone could be governor of Alaska, but not the president of the US.  It's just more of McSame poor judgment.  This man's thinking is crazy.

  9. Yep, they're afraid of a woman in power that speaks out against the contemporary issues like women's right to choose. To answer the second question, no voting against McCain/Palin doesn't make you a sexist.  

  10. Yep. They are running scared and attacking everyone in that family down to the baby.

    Pathetic and disgusting.

  11. They are trying to smear her because they are afraid of her.  She is an awesome pick!  No I don't think that people who don't vote for her are sexist- just like I don't think people who don't vote for Obama are racists.  We are voting for the candidate whose policies we agree with most.


  12. Exactly theres nothing on her.  Shes hasn't done enough to be president if mccain dies.  My high school had more people than the city she was mayor of and my city has more people than her state.  She seemed like a nice lady at first but even that doesn't seem to be the case now.  Shes under investigation and she doesn't believe in science.  She wants to teach creationism in schools.  This lady is a nut.

  13.   Yes, they did start this attack before she even caught her second breath. it is PURE FEAR.

       And I LOVE how you Obamabots are so quick to challenge what you claim is a "lie" by her.  Why don;t you all go ask your MESSIAH, WHY he lied to the Israeli Prime Minister, while on his "dog and pony" show. He toled them it was HIS banking Committe and HIS influence that passed a major package for them. Problem is, this low life lieing and deceiving coward, DID not even BELONG to the Committee, NOR even had a vote.  Why don't you zombies clean up your own sewer filth in Obama before playing "judge" about someone else.

  14. Yes. Further, attacking her only creates an argument for why Obama shouldn't be elected president. It's priceless really.  

  15. who not whom.

    The liberal and mainstream Republican voters will try to delude themselves into thinking that the vp nominee doesn't really matter, so they will keep quiet just because they don't want to see Obama elected.  But they are asking themselves just what McCain was thinking.  

    The vast majority of women, probably 99% or more, will vote for the person and platform they feel is the most representative of their views.  The past couple of elections have proven that.  Palin will appeal to some women because of her religious and political preferences.  Palin won't appeal to many women who are concerned with McCain's stands on the war, women's rights, or a host of other divisive issues.

  16. Yes, I think they are smearing her because they don't have anything on her and also they do not want to even give her a chance.  The smears started before she even gave her first VP candidate speech.  There may be some that won't vote for her because they are sexist, but I think most people who do not vote for her and McCain are choosing not to vote for her because they have already decided they are going to vote for Obama.

    McCain / Palin 2008  

  17. You have to be kidding.

    Even the Republicans don't want her.

    The only people who are pleased with her are the extreme right wing Evangelicals.

    Even among the extreme religious fringe there are critics. Buchanan is about as extreme right wing as you can get and he says she is not VP material.

    As for smearing her?

    Nobody has to.

    This Beauty Pageant Princess comes with her own mudpack already applied.

    She is under investigation already for abuse of power in her office as governor.

  18. Uh, I'm not smearing Palin.

    I find her politics scary, but then, McCain scares the bejeebus out of me.

    No, people who base their vote solely on s*x are sexist. People who have more than one functioning brain cell vote on relevant characteristics.

  19. 1st Question answer is YES.

    2nd Question answer is NO.

    The Obama supporters are afraid of her. They know that her  2 years experience as Governor carries more weight than Obama's mere 147 days in Congress. Obama, Biden and the DNC are frantic to try to find even the smallest bit of dirt on her so they can blow it up all out of proportion. I see by some of the answers above, they are desperately grasping for straws.  

  20. Don't have anything on her?  Try this on for size (footnoted sources below):

    • She was elected Alaska's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.1

    • Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2

    • She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 3

    • Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4

    • She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.5

    • She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.6

    • How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.7

  21. seriously?  the main reason i won't vote for her is because she happens to be running with mccain.  as a woman, i love having rights.  does that make me a sexist?  hardly, actually, quite the opposite.  she isn't running, mccain is.

    oh no, now that i said something bad, i hope she won't make me lose my job!!!!

  22. No, its because she doesn't have anything to offer except her gender and McCain's main goal was to paint Obama as someone with NO experience and then he selects a woman who admitted she has no clue what the VP does is more famous for being ethic-challenged than a mover and shaker.  

  23. They know that McCain's nomination was brilliant. Did you listen to Palin's speech? She's a real person, nothing like the arrogant, highfalutin' Obama. People will love her, that's for sure. She's got more experience than Obama, too.

    Toast, yes. It's over for the Dems this election--already.

  24. EXACTLY, we Demo, don't have anything on her because she has nothing on her including no experience.No one is a sexist that doesn't vote for an unknown, unheard of woman.

  25. I think picking her is sexist...pick her because she is qualified and earned it not just because she is a woman...there are many more republican women that are more qualified and would have been a better choice.

  26. Yes, they are afraid of her so they try and discredit her. what losers. And no, just because you don't vote for her means you are sexist.  

  27. Obama wants to raise taxes and kill babies.

    Palin wants to raise babies and kill taxes.

  28. This Obama support did his research and switched to McCain. I had given up on banning abortion and moved on to things that could happen that God wants, but Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    It's worth noting that Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    We may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    Most women do not know that if your pill regulates your period, it kills babies.

    As VP she could break a tie vote in the Senate, and explain this to the men in the Senate.

    Since McCain's father did not live to 72 she will probably even be President.

  29.   We are still shining flashlights in her closet,we'll fine something.You can't be 44 and not have done something in you're life that you're not to proud of. Oh, and by the way I am not a sexist.

  30. They don't?  Palin is under investigation in Alaska for alleged abuse of her power.  Just google it, it will come up---I found it today, however, since I know that I am just going to be dismissed as a r****d because I actually believe that McCain is bad news I decided to let you google it for yourself....

  31. Apparently, the state of Alaska has something on her.  She's currently being investigated for possible abuse of power.  If she has been found guilty of this allegation and the guilt found after she becomes Vice President, she stands a chance at being impeached.  She can also be dismissed as Governor if she doesn't become the VP.  She claimed she fired the public safety commissioner for poor work performance, but she offers this "incompetent" employment with another position.  This investigation started well before McCain picked her as a running mate and he should has paid attention to this.  However, it looks like none of his supporters are paying attention either.

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