
Is Obama that much of a risk?

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I hear too often that people don't trust Obama or his wife. It doesn't come across like the traditional distrust of politicians. Why is there so much distrust for the Obama's. I'm trying not to expect a racist lean or general detachment from black people.




  1. To the first idiot who replied to this question...NO!!  Obama is not as risky as McCan't.  This is what I don't understand about stupid ignorant republican trash.  They believe in bloody wars for greed, they have no morals, they believe in everything the media feeds into their little brains...yet they are against abortion and g*y marriage.    Conservatives are the walking condradictions of the world which in turn, gives Americans a bad reputation.  You wanna know why we're being called stupid Americans all the time?  Ask a republican.  

  2. He is not qualified . Lincoln was qualifed, Grant was not,  

  3. Its amazing the man got this far,So many unanswered questions about the man its scary,Do you realize how much damage he can do.Cant trust him.

  4. It's just because of his inexperience in U.S. politics, but any other time, they'll be b*tching about life long politicians....

    Just more hypocrisy really....

  5. Because in the history of our nation, no 'politician' has ever run for the office of President of the United States with so few accomplishments or so little leadership experience. Even the mayor of Elkton, Virginia, population 2,042 has more experience than Sen. Obama. His recent gross misjudgments with respect to the surge in Iraq and the president's energy policy are glaring evidence of the implications of his inexperience and naivity.

  6. Because he lies. He changes his stance every time the wind blows a different direction. That and he voluntarily attended a hate filled church for 20 years that put Africa before anything else.

    What is there to trust?

  7. He has been in his Senate seat for 3 years. Before that he was a state legislator and community organizer.

    Never in Post WW2 era have we had someone with such little experience.

  8. I'm a Hillary supporter and moderate independent.  I don't trust Obama for a number of reasons.

    1.  Obama admittedly took a shady deal from Tony Rezco so he didn't have to pay as much as everyone else for land

    2.  His associations with the "former" terrorist from weather underground, that isn't sorry for what he's done

    3.  Jeremiah Wright is a complete whack-job (as is that whole church) and Obama defended him until it wasn't politically expedient anymore

    4.  The guy has no platform.  All he does is talk and he has nothing to back up his words.  No experience, no knowledge.

    Seriously, get him away from a teleprompter and the dude is completely lost.  I want a president who can think on his/her feet.  McCain is getting my vote!

  9. He is too far-left, funded by Soros, anti-american wife and mentors, no clear connections to anything of traditional America, questionable character, unrealistic goals, globalistic agenda......just too extreme and radical to be trusted with the future of this nation.  Sure I want change, and want to see the country more forward, but he would take us over the brink.

  10. Even after 20 years his mental type makes those that lived through the Carter years very nervous. Every problem we face today from the Middle East to energy to mineral resources are complicated by actions that Carter took and made law through decrees. Reagan and the two Bushes have tried to restore scientific progress but it has never been possible to get the two thirds vote needed to overturn the Carter decrees because of Luddite anti technology leadership in the democratic party. And Obama and Biden are firmly anti tech and pro fossil fuel usage.

  11. Obama is weak on foreign policy, so what. Lets face it, he cant do much damage to something that’s wrecked already can he?

  12. Yes he is an elitist, racist, America hating snob, and Marxist!

    Lets look at what makes most people think this:

    His friends and mentors are America hating racists.

    He went to a church for 10 years that preached America hatred and racisim. He only quit the church and denounced it and the Rev Wright when it got too hot politically.

    In a speech Michelle said that her husband would make you change and never let you go back. This sounds an awful lot like Communism!

    In a speech Michelle said that for the first time she is proud of America because he husband is a nominee. This is not the first or even second comment she has made that would make you think she hated America.

    He has no experience. He has served less than one term in the Senate.

    Before he was a Senator he was a street activist.

    Since in the Senate he has voted "Present" more than 100 times on tuff decisions.

    He flip flops so much he makes Kerry look decisive.

    His policies are exactly the same as Jimmy Carter and that was not a good time. Do some research if you don't know about Carter's term as president.

  13. Truthfully, an Obama presidency should scare the pants off 70 percent of Americans.

    Across the board, Obama is dramatically out of sync with this center-right nation. But like all liberal politicians aspiring to the presidency, he's doing his best to keep voters in the dark about his hard-core leftism.

    On social issues, Obama, while not openly admitting his support for same-s*x marriage, has written letters to homosexual activist groups, saying he favors homosexual adoption and a repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

    He says he would reduce abortion, yet he has fought valiantly to protect it as a constitutional right, supports partial-birth abortion, and arguably enabled infanticide by opposing an Illinois version of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.

    On economics and energy, he favors punishing producers and spreading misery rather than prosperity.

    On defense and foreign policy, he very well might dismantle our nuclear weapons in this increasingly nuclear age and would abandon missile defense programs. He would precipitously withdraw our troops from Iraq, thereby jeopardizing its stability and our victory there and inviting the very terrorist enemy he says he would hunt down to reenter and thrive again. He would adopt policies concerning Afghanistan wholly inconsistent with everything he claims to stand for — and against — in Iraq. He would greatly increase our role there and disincentivize participation of our allies in flagrant contradiction to his criticisms of President Bush's "unilateralism" in Iraq. But he would not add enough troops to simulate Gen. Petraeus' successful surge strategy in Iraq — only enough to risk entangling us in a Sovietlike quagmire that Democrats claim to oppose, except when they are in control of the executive branch. And he would transform stingy America into a safety net for the entire world with his Global Poverty Act. Then again, as Obama told Berliners, we are not merely American citizens, but "citizens of the world."

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