
Is Obama the Antichrist?

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Is Obama the Antichrist?




  1. That would be McCain, Obama a christian is not likely because he has a belief in Christ Jesus.  

    McCain on the other hand is unknown with the faith he holds, when was the last time we even saw a clip of him in church???

  2. It alarms and saddens me that all over the Internet, young, educated people from the West are still regurgitating such claptrap. Is that what is being taught in your schools and churches?  

  3. Possibly. I've considered this too.

  4. You really believe there is such a thing?No he's just a man like every other man.It's scary to think that people actually entertain thoughts like that.There are enough problems in this world without worrying about fantasy.

  5. For months I have been thinking that Obama may be the Anti-Christ. I have mentioned this to 2 or 3 people, but I thought my view was unique. This evening I was talking to my closest friend who initially loved Obama but is now concerned that he is the anti-christ.

    Then it occurred to me to do a search on “is obama the anti-christ” and I have seen hundreds of messages from others who are thinking the same thing. This is just so weird.

    So, I plead to anyone who reads this note: if you don’t own a Bible, buy one, preferably a STUDY BIBLE or LIFE APPLICATION BIBLE and begin immediately studying this “guide to life.” Years ago, I started with the old testament which is very interesting, but today, I suggest you start with the gospels…Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then I suggest you read the book of revelation…it will scare the bejeesees out of you. However, the book of revelations states very clearly that everyone will have a chance to turn to Jesus before the final judgement, so even though it is scary, you will find hope.

    I am by no means some crazy holy roller. I am just a wife and mom of 2 boys (and 3 cats and a dog). I have a Master’s degree in Economics and a good job. I am very much like most of you reading this. I do read the Bible and watch documentaries and I am telling you, it occurred to me with no suggestion from anyone that Obama might be the anti-christ…especially after this trip to campaign in Europe. Honestly, if he is the anti-christ, it is no big deal to me. That just means that the day of judgement will come soon. Even though I am an EXTRAORDINARY sinner, I know that Jesus suffered and died so that I might have eternal salvation. The end of this world is just the beginning of an eternal life filled with beauty, joy, love, and most of all NO sin. The eternal life will be perfect! So get prepared, because the end may be closer than any of us ever imagined.

    By the way, another interesting view on the end of the world can be found in the Mayan calendar. Supposedly, it predicts the end of the world to be the Dec 21, 2012. I have no idea if any of what I have read on this is accurate, but the timing fits.

    God Bless you and forgive us all of our sins.

  6. We Pastafarians understand that when The Flying Spaghetti Monster (BBHN) created the Universe he gave us the Promise of redemption if we accept the embrace of his noodly appendages.

    In The Book of Pasta it is written that "...upon that day, there will be received into the world a subtle and cunning opponent to the teachings of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, and he shall be known by these signs; On his forehead will be the sign which is "V", and girded about him will be legumes and pulses without number, and he will be sore vexed and gather unto him adherents of his false teachings and this group, which will be pale and thin with little strength in their bodies will be called Vegetarians and they shall seek to make all others like unto them..."


  7. In the last days before Jesus comes back the Bible says there will be "many" anti-christ in the world.  In fact, according to the Bible they were already in the world during Bible times.  According to I John 2:18

    An antichrist is anyone who opposes Christ Jesus and denys his resurrection. But there will be a ONE WORLD RULER who will be the MAIN Anti-Christ.  He will exalt himself above God.  He will be a humanist.  He will promise peace.  The world will absolutely LOVE him and gladly FOLLOW him. Sound familiar?

    Folks, Obama could be the one that takes that leadership role, or... the Catholic Pope could be.  The Bible also refers to False Prophets. Just like Anti-Christ, there will be many False Prophets rise in the last days but their will be one who tops them all.  He will unite all World Religions into one "so called" peaceful, tolerant religion.  This Religion will be what the Bible refers to as "The Great w***e".  The leader of this apostate religion will be the False Prophet mentioned in Revelations.

    "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty." --POPE LEO XIII

    "...I will be like the most High." LUCIFER, ISAIAH 14:14

    What do you think?

  8. No


    (A) Is he two thousand years old

    (B) The one that the writer of the original doomsday prophet who knew the writer of the book and must surely have had the name of this evil one that would bring about the end had it as Nero in his writings.

    (C) Book of revelations never mentions the word Anti-christ

    (D) There is no word for anti-christ in the language it was written in.

  9. We'll know soon enough.

  10. I don't really think so even though they do share some characteristics.  I don't believe he his simply because he and his supporters are so misguided and confused on issues.  He doesn't seem intelligent enough to be the Antichrist.

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