
Is Obama the messiah or the anti christ?

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Is Obama the messiah or the anti christ?




  1. Obama and Jesus. Both black revolutionaries. YE-YEAAAAH

  2. Neither. If you believe that he could be either. Maybe it's time to change churches. Obviously your getting false teachings at the one you currently attend.

  3. No one that supports him thinks he is either.  Only a self-loathing hater would describe him as either of those.

  4. McCain is an Antichrist.

  5. Republicans seem to think he is the messiah (or they are just jealous of his ability).  Most everyone else realizes he is just a gifted politician.

  6. No; he just thinks he is.

    Both, depending on the audience.

  7. Sad to say, Obama is the only one who lives a married traditional value lifestyle.  

  8. Obama is a product of comtempary Politics, He is backed by very big Money by the "Political left" He is the last best chance for the democratic party. If he loses the Election, this time out the "democraps" will be finished. America, is not a "left leaning country". He will not win. You can take that to the Bank. Say "Hello" to McCain and Palin.

  9. And THIS is why people are pouncing on the Sarah Palin thing. Next time you want to call them "disgusting" for "attacking" Palin, remember the kinds of questions people ask about Obama every single day.

  10. How many people did McCain kill in Vietnam.

  11. neither.  He is human like the rest of us.

  12. He is neither.  He is just one more egotistical politician no better and no worse than McCain.

  13. Obama is just a man that wants to be president.

  14. Neither, just another DNC fool.

  15. Obama is the Democratic nominee for president. I've never heard a democrat or liberal call him the Messiah or anti-Christ. That's coming from the right and the cons. Sounds like fear to me.

  16. Jesus the Christ is the messiah, and the anti christ has not come on the scene yet.

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