
Is Obama the most influencial speaker to speak in front of Germans in German history?

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Or the second most? Do Germans always back the worst politician?




  1. you kidding?

    I seriously doubt that Amerca had one politician better than Adenaur in last 100 years....

    Compare to Bismarck, Adenaur, and many other legendary politicians lead Germany... Obama is just a teenager who has not complished anything...

    After all

    Germany history = over 1000 years

    US history = already know


    By the way, I am not a German. I am a Japanese

  2. gee someone made the obvious German joke.

    It's the friggin' history section, if you can't be bothered to reference Bismarck, the Kaiser, or Fredrick Barbarossa in your petty little dig, move on to the politics section.

    Oh and maybe you forgot a little speech that JFK made to the Germans? Ich bin ein Berliner ?

  3. What a daft question.

    Many, many non-German speakers have spoken in Germany - some of them have even been famous in the US.

    One of the most famous is JFK

    I would say that the most influential person to speak in  Germany to Germans was Gorbachev speaking in East Germany to Erick Honecker - leading to to fall of the Berlin Wall.

  4. Ummm the most influential speaker to speak in front of Germans in German history is Adolf Hitler obviously.

    While it is impressive that Obama had 200,000 Germans turn out, it doesn't mean much because Germany can't vote, can they?

    BTW: Hitler spoke in front of 1 million soldiers... I think that might top Obama just a wee bit... even though Hitler was not good, he was influential.

  5. would you rather have mccain invade iran?

    that war money is coming out of your pockets you know....

  6. No.

    1.  Hitler.

    2.  JFK (the "ein Berliner" speech)

    3.  Reagan (the "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down your wall" speech)

    4.  Martin Luther (numerous sermons and public pronouncements, helping to revolutionize modern religion

    5.  Karl Marx

    6.  Willy Brandt

    All of these individuals either spoke to large crowds in Germany, or were praised for their rhetoric/speeches in Germany or proved to be extremely influential with their speeches.

    I'm not sure what the point of your question is.  Are you equating Obama with Reagan?  He's the last politician to give a well-covered speech in Germany that drew that kind of crowd in the last couple of decades.

  7. What a shallow thing to say. Learn some German history before you opine on the subject.

  8. Ummm... Duh! Of course not, he's nothing really, however Hitler motivated the entire country into action.... WWII...

  9. Just when I think I have seen the most stupid question ever asked here on Answers... someone comes along and tops it with an ever more stupid question

  10. ur question is so unimportant(and stupid to even think that a low life like obama is "influential" in any way)it doesn't even deserve a response

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