
Is Obama truly black or is he interracial?

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If he is mixed then he should be the first interracial president if he wins




  1. As a black woman I feel he's a little bit of each but not enough of neither.

  2. wrong. he won't win, black, white or devil incarnate

  3. He's actually more black than most black Americans since he's dad is from Kenya so he's like a real African American. Mom from America dad from Africa.  

  4. If you mix any color of with white, it becomes a lighter shade of the color.  White has no color.  With all the different variations in the world, why go crazy trying to figure them all out? That is beside the point.

  5. He has the same genes as Michael Jackson.

  6. I'm not sure what you mean by "truly Black"... he self identifies as African American. He is biracial - his father was a Black man from Kenya and his mother was a White woman from Kansas.

    How is this relevant to Politics?

  7. I think he considers himself to be black. First he threw his Typical White granny under the bus and mom is next.

  8. South Africa makes a big deal of "colored" and interracial, but the quota systems in America just identify "black".

    So under the quotas Obama counts as "black", and would be identified as such under the laws of America.

    As far as "truly black" ... no.  He was not part of the civil rights movement and does not identify himself as a victim, so in the eyes of Jesse Jackson and the NAACP he doesn't count as black.

    You have to understand that black in America is more a state of mind than a shade of skin color.  Folks from India often have very dark skin coloring, but no one thinks of them as black or needing special attention.

  9. Barack H Obama doesn't fit the mold of African American. He is not historically connected to the American Black community. One can break him down to this. He is African (Kenyan) American (white mother and allegedly born in the USA). But he is not African American by definition of American Black History.

    Think of this way. Its a political history costume party we are all invited to attend. Barack Obama showed up to the party dresses as a African American that doesn't fit the mold of Black American.

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