
Is Ocean fertilization feasible?

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Does the science of Iron fertilization hold up? Would it work for large-scale climate change? Or is it still far too young of a science at the time?

Where can I get info on progress on this technology?

Oh here's a link




  1. i would love to  hear more about this thanks for this great question.. i will be looking into this

  2. Yes, it if feasible!

    Unfortunately, it is too easy a solution to resolve atmospheric Carbon content and therefore does not work to the Political advantage of the Environmental and Secular leftists.

    In short: Ocean going (pelagic) phytoplankton bind huge amounts of atmospheric Carbon in their growth cycle. This growth cycle is limited by by the amount of Iron (Fe) avaiable in the sea water.

    If powdered Iron were sprayed by ocean going vessels during their course of travel, the growth of pelagic phytoplankton would greatly increase, therefore binding vast quantities of atmospheric Carbon.

    When the plankton die due to natural processes, their bodies settle to the ocean floor with the Carbon neatly bound.

    Costs to adapt ocean vessels to apply powered Iron would be very cheap, basicly a mechanical spreader on the fan tails of the ships.

    Powdered Iron is remarkably cheap as well!

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