
Is Ok to call women acquaintences " Babe" since a lot of women call me "Dear"?

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I've noticed how many women in the service sector call me " Dear" as a pet name, and I'm Ok with that and even like it. If a man in the service sector called a woman " Babe" as a pet name, would it be Ok or would she think he's a pig. What terms might be acceptable to use toward a woman without getting slapped in the face? I've thought about using "babe" in a casual way but have refrained. I just want to be friendly and nothing more.




  1. no is just being polite ..........i think

  2. Never call a woman "babe" unless you're enjoying an intimate relationship with her.  "Babe" has some strong sexual connotations, so its use is best left to bedroom scenarious.  Just call a woman by her name.  People love to hear their names far more than they like to hear any "terms of endearment".

  3. Saying words like dear are just the way women communicate.  Men don't communicate that way so it is perceived as fresh or inappropriate.  It's just the basic difference in the sexes.

  4. well people get really anal about the whole sexual harassment thing especially when it's the man calling the woman a name so it's better to just not call them that.

  5. id say u just call them dear back or maybe even 'hon' but babe isnt friendly and casual. she'd think u were a pig and find the name demeaning.

  6. I totally get your point, and I agree with it.

    I think that all too many women in service positions have a bad habit of calling strangers by pet names, and it's kind of sickening.  I do not like being called "hon" or "dear" or "sweetie" or anything like that by strangers.  It seems like something only my husband should call me.

    It is condescending and not business-like at all.

    But I would not suggest that you try to get back at them by calling them "babe" because that term almost has a sexual connotation.  

    It is a term of very familiar relationship.

    When they call you "dear" you could say, "Please use my name.  Only my wife (or girlfriend) (or mother) calls me dear."

    But I just ignore it when they do that, even though it annoys me.

  7. Definitely not babe, I can almost guarantee you'd offend alot of your women coworkers with that one. There's a guy at work who calls me "Darlin" but it doesn't bother me... Then again, if he was a guy I thought was creepy than it probably would though. It all depends on the situation and the person to whom you're giving a "pet name". Some people don't appreciate names like that in any form.  

  8. Don't ever call a customer "Babe". If you live in the south you MIGHT get away with calling a female customer "Hon", "Dear" or maybe "Sweety", but NEVER "Babe". Most women don't appreciate being called pet names by any males except their closest friends.

  9. I only call my wife "babe."  That's my term of endearment for her.  Sorry, dude, for any moniker, I can only envision a woman telling you "I'm not your (fill in the blank)" and walk away or slap you.

  10. "What terms might be acceptable to use toward a woman without getting slapped in the face?"



    Sweetie, dear, babe, hon, etc are all patronizing.

  11. Babe is insulting and presumptuous. I like being called sweetie by just about anyone though :-)

  12. I like to be called beyatch...

  13. i wouldnt. it's a little too sexual for an acquaintence. try something else. i cant think of anything, but i wouldnt try "babe"

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