
Is Online Homeschooling a good way to go?

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Im a 10th grader in high school in Washington State, and I hate school. I have been looking at online homeschooling and I just want to know if its a good idea, do you still get the credits and education that you'd get in a public school? I have a hard time getting myself to go to school so I think for me online homeschooling would be a good idea, but let me know your opinons please. Thank you.




  1. maybe u wont be able to interact with any one but ok

  2. Just wanted to add a quick response to what other people are saying.  If you read other questions on here from kids who are homeschooling and moms who are helping younger kids to homeschool, those kids generally get MORE time and opportunity to socialize than many Public School students.  It's a very common misconception that they're shut in at home and never get to go out and see anyone.  There are Homeschooling groups all over the country where homeschooled kids get together very frequently to do group projects or to just socialize.  They have friend groups that are just as tight as in public school, even more so because they don't tend to be as shallow and "clique-ish" as many public school kids, and they have more time and freedom to do things outside of schooling all throughout the week.  Also, homeschool kids are more likely to be involved with a wider range of outside classes such as a music class, martial arts, fine arts, etc. and they meet all kinds of new friends there!  Seriously, don't listen to public school kids answering these kinds of questions, they have no idea what they're missing.

  3. Everyone has different opinions. What do you think? Would you like going online everyday and doing math and science? Would you like learning slower in classes? GOOD LUCK!!!

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