
Is Oprah Winfrey the Anti-Christ?

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She has a book out that discredit God, Jesus and the christianity concept




  1. No, that's a ridiculous notion.

  2. No.  She does not meet any of the criteria set forth in the Bible for being the Ant-Christ.  She may be anti-Christian but that's not the same thing.  

    The Anti-Christ has to meet these criteria: be a man (the Bible in clear on this in Revelation), be born in the Middle East, be able to convince people that he is the messiah and the son of God, be able to perform miracles and to create signs and wonders.

    Oprah may have a lot of people giving her more credit and cachet than she deserves, but that's it.  Personally, I'll not have anything to do with her.

  3. She is evil. I always knew.

  4. No, she's not the anti-Christ.  Jeez, get a grip.

    She's just a woman with a weight problem and a really good marketing scheme.

    And she's got a net worth of about a billion dollars.

  5. Do you think that what you truly believe about God and Christ is an ultimate truth? What about fellows of another church or Christianity overseas they are wrong?? Which one is a true one?which 'concept " " is an ultimate one? Oprah just offered another conceptual form. for God and Jesus is still just a concept for highly divided religious branches roaming among them, we  choose to believe in one... at the time..Notice choosing one we are automatically deny another..whoops , another anti christ...we are quick to judge, historically speaking. Lets build the Cross for that blissful  girl... ..hurry...Jesus was crucified for blasphemy, not forget..lets do it with Oprah...

  6. yes....

    and racist!

  7. YES SHE ISSS!!!!!

  8. I think all you ignorant Christians should give yourselves a round of applause...No seriously! You guys come up with the most insane nonsense the world has ever heard. I have never met a people or culture so utterly gullible. First off even in asking this question you and the other Christians are indicating that you don't know the first thing about the concept of what the "Anti-Christ" is supposed to be. Secondly the world is utterly filled with people who don't care who Jesus or your God are. These people are called Hindu's, Buddhists, Muslims, Jains, Atheists and agnostics just to name a few and they outnumber you by the billions. So close your your bibles and read it for a change.  I am an Atheist and I know more about this stuff than you do.

  9. yes she is against Christ.and i pray that she changes her mind.according to the signs, we dont have much time.

  10. if she is the anti-christ then i am sooooooooo screwed. seriosly dude, no.

  11. I'll never think of her the same way again. Maybe, maybe. xP But of all people, y'know. OPRAH WINFREY? That makes me laugh but. . . anything's possible, ayt?

  12. Hello:

    No.  do you know that the Anti-Christ is?  

    do you know that throwing around terms like Anti-Christ makes your statements suspect from the word go?  

    I do not know anything about her book, however if this is like every other time I have heard the boy that cried Anti-Christ then you are taking something completely out of context.  

    Some of us struggle with our ideas and concepts of this universe and the lord and we feel the need to question, discuss, and examine our beliefs.  Sorry but your kind has raped the benefit of the doubt and left it for dead on the roadside.  

    I hope this helps

    Rev Phil

  13. no she was born in 1954 the anti-christ will b born between {2005-2009}

  14. Saint John writes of the "spirit of antichrist."

    http://www.barackobamaantichrist.blogspo... and offer somewhat different opinions on the topic.

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